
Remove drop flags from values implementing Drop, and remove automatic memory zeroing associated with dropping values.

Keep dynamic drop semantics, by having each function maintain a (potentially empty) set of auto-injected boolean flags for the drop obligations for the function that need to be tracked dynamically (which we will call "dynamic drop obligations").


Currently, implementing Drop on a struct (or enum) injects a hidden bit, known as the "drop-flag", into the struct (and likewise, each of the enum variants). The drop-flag, in tandem with Rust's implicit zeroing of dropped values, tracks whether a value has already been moved to another owner or been dropped. (See the "How dynamic drop semantics works" appendix for more details if you are unfamiliar with this part of Rust's current implementation.)

However, the above implementation is sub-optimal; problems include:

  • Most important: implicit memory zeroing is a hidden cost that today all Rust programs pay, in both execution time and code size. With the removal of the drop flag, we can remove implicit memory zeroing (or at least revisit its utility -- there may be other motivations for implicit memory zeroing, e.g. to try to keep secret data from being exposed to unsafe code).

  • Hidden bits are bad: Users coming from a C/C++ background expect struct Foo { x: u32, y: u32 } to occupy 8 bytes, but if Foo implements Drop, the hidden drop flag will cause it to double in size (16 bytes). See the [Program illustrating semantic impact of hidden drop flag] appendix for a concrete illustration. Note that when Foo implements Drop, each instance of Foo carries a drop-flag, even in contexts like a Vec<Foo> where a program cannot actually move individual values out of the collection. Thus, the amount of extra memory being used by drop-flags is not bounded by program stack growth; the memory wastage is strewn throughout the heap.

An earlier RFC (the withdrawn RFC PR #210) suggested resolving this problem by switching from a dynamic drop semantics to a "static drop semantics", which was defined in that RFC as one that performs drop of certain values earlier to ensure that the set of drop-obligations does not differ at any control-flow merge point, i.e. to ensure that the set of values to drop is statically known at compile-time.

However, discussion on the RFC PR #210 comment thread pointed out its policy for inserting early drops into the code is non-intuitive (in other words, that the drop policy should either be more aggressive, a la RFC PR #239, or should stay with the dynamic drop status quo). Also, the mitigating mechanisms proposed by that RFC (NoisyDrop/QuietDrop) were deemed unacceptable.

So, static drop semantics are a non-starter. Luckily, the above strategy is not the only way to implement dynamic drop semantics. Rather than requiring that the set of drop-obligations be the same at every control-flow merge point, we can do a intra-procedural static analysis to identify the set of drop-obligations that differ at any merge point, and then inject a set of stack-local boolean-valued drop-flags that dynamically track them. That strategy is what this RFC is describing.

The expected outcomes are as follows:

  • We remove the drop-flags from all structs/enums that implement Drop. (There are still the injected stack-local drop flags, but those should be cheaper to inject and maintain.)

  • Since invoking drop code is now handled by the stack-local drop flags and we have no more drop-flags on the values themselves, we can (and will) remove memory zeroing.

  • Libraries currently relying on drop doing memory zeroing (i.e. libraries that check whether content is zero to decide whether its fn drop has been invoked will need to be revised, since we will not have implicit memory zeroing anymore.

  • In the common case, most libraries using Drop will not need to change at all from today, apart from the caveat in the previous bullet.

Detailed design

Drop obligations

No struct or enum has an implicit drop-flag. When a local variable is initialized, that establishes a set of "drop obligations": a set of structural paths (e.g. a local a, or a path to a field b.f.y) that need to be dropped (or moved away to a new owner).

The drop obligations for a local variable x of struct-type T are computed from analyzing the structure of T. If T itself implements Drop, then x is a drop obligation. If T does not implement Drop, then the set of drop obligations is the union of the drop obligations of the fields of T.

When a path is moved to a new location, or consumed by a function call, or when control flow reaches the end of its owner's lexical scope, the path is removed from the set of drop obligations.

At control-flow merge points, e.g. nodes that have predecessor nodes P_1, P_2, ..., P_k with drop obligation sets S_1, S_2, ... S_k, we

  • First identify the set of drop obligations that differ between the predecessor nodes, i.e. the set:

    (S_1 | S_2 | ... | S_k) \ (S_1 & S_2 & ... & S_k)

    where | denotes set-union, & denotes set-intersection, \ denotes set-difference. These are the dynamic drop obligations induced by this merge point. Note that if S_1 = S_2 = ... = S_k, the above set is empty.

  • The set of drop obligations for the merge point itself is the union of the drop-obligations from all predecessor points in the control flow, i.e. (S_1 | S_2 | ... | S_k) in the above notation.

    (One could also just use the intersection here; it actually makes no difference to the static analysis, since all of the elements of the difference

    (S_1 | S_2 | ... | S_k) \ (S_1 & S_2 & ... & S_k)

    have already been added to the set of dynamic drop obligations. But the overall code transformation is clearer if one keeps the dynamic drop obligations in the set of drop obligations.)

Stack-local drop flags

For every dynamic drop obligation induced by a merge point, the compiler is responsible for ensure that its drop code is run at some point. If necessary, it will inject and maintain boolean flag analogous to

enum NeedsDropFlag { NeedsLocalDrop, DoNotDrop }

Some compiler analysis may be able to identify dynamic drop obligations that do not actually need to be tracked. Therefore, we do not specify the precise set of boolean flags that are injected.

Example of code with dynamic drop obligations

The function f2 below was copied from the static drop RFC PR #210; it has differing sets of drop obligations at a merge point, necessitating a potential injection of a NeedsDropFlag.

fn f2() {

    // At the outset, the set of drop obligations is
    // just the set of moved input parameters (empty
    // in this case).

    //                                      DROP OBLIGATIONS
    //                                  ------------------------
    //                                  {  }
    let pDD : Pair<D,D> = ...;
    pDD.x = ...;
    //                                  {pDD.x}
    pDD.y = ...;
    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y}
    let pDS : Pair<D,S> = ...;
    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
    let some_d : Option<D>;
    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
    if test() {
        //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
            let temp = xform(pDD.y);
            //                              {pDD.x,        pDS.x, temp}
            some_d = Some(temp);
            //                              {pDD.x,        pDS.x, temp, some_d}
        } // END OF SCOPE for `temp`
        //                                  {pDD.x,        pDS.x, some_d}


    } else {
            //                              {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
            let z = D;
            //                              {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, z}

            // This drops `pDD.y` before
            // moving `pDD.x` there.
            pDD.y = pDD.x;

            //                              {       pDD.y, pDS.x, z}
            some_d = None;
            //                              {       pDD.y, pDS.x, z, some_d}
        } // END OF SCOPE for `z`
        //                                  {       pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}



    // MERGE POINT: set of drop obligations do not
    // match on all incoming control-flow paths.
    // Predecessor 1 has drop obligations
    // {pDD.x,        pDS.x, some_d}
    // and Predecessor 2 has drop obligations
    // {       pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.
    // Therefore, this merge point implies that
    // {pDD.x, pDD.y} are dynamic drop obligations,
    // while {pDS.x, some_d} are potentially still
    // resolvable statically (and thus may not need
    // associated boolean flags).

    // The resulting drop obligations are the following:

    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.

    // (... some code that does not change drop obligations ...)

    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.

    // END OF SCOPE for `pDD`, `pDS`, `some_d`

After the static analysis has identified all of the dynamic drop obligations, code is injected to maintain the stack-local drop flags and to do any necessary drops at the appropriate points. Below is the updated fn f2 with an approximation of the injected code.

Note: we say "approximation", because one does need to ensure that the drop flags are updated in a manner that is compatible with potential task fail!/panic!, because stack unwinding must be informed which state needs to be dropped; i.e. you need to initialize _pDD_dot_x before you start to evaluate a fallible expression to initialize pDD.y.

fn f2_rewritten() {

    // At the outset, the set of drop obligations is
    // just the set of moved input parameters (empty
    // in this case).

    //                                      DROP OBLIGATIONS
    //                                  ------------------------
    //                                  {  }
    let _drop_pDD_dot_x : NeedsDropFlag;
    let _drop_pDD_dot_y : NeedsDropFlag;

    _drop_pDD_dot_x = DoNotDrop;
    _drop_pDD_dot_y = DoNotDrop;

    let pDD : Pair<D,D>;
    pDD.x = ...;
    _drop_pDD_dot_x = NeedsLocalDrop;
    pDD.y = ...;
    _drop_pDD_dot_y = NeedsLocalDrop;

    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y}
    let pDS : Pair<D,S> = ...;
    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
    let some_d : Option<D>;
    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
    if test() {
        //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
            _drop_pDD_dot_y = DoNotDrop;
            let temp = xform(pDD.y);
            //                              {pDD.x,        pDS.x, temp}
            some_d = Some(temp);
            //                              {pDD.x,        pDS.x, temp, some_d}
        } // END OF SCOPE for `temp`
        //                                  {pDD.x,        pDS.x, some_d}


    } else {
            //                              {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x}
            let z = D;
            //                              {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, z}

            // This drops `pDD.y` before
            // moving `pDD.x` there.
            _drop_pDD_dot_x = DoNotDrop;
            pDD.y = pDD.x;

            //                              {       pDD.y, pDS.x, z}
            some_d = None;
            //                              {       pDD.y, pDS.x, z, some_d}
        } // END OF SCOPE for `z`
        //                                  {       pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}



    // MERGE POINT: set of drop obligations do not
    // match on all incoming control-flow paths.
    // Predecessor 1 has drop obligations
    // {pDD.x,        pDS.x, some_d}
    // and Predecessor 2 has drop obligations
    // {       pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.
    // Therefore, this merge point implies that
    // {pDD.x, pDD.y} are dynamic drop obligations,
    // while {pDS.x, some_d} are potentially still
    // resolvable statically (and thus may not need
    // associated boolean flags).

    // The resulting drop obligations are the following:

    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.

    // (... some code that does not change drop obligations ...)

    //                                  {pDD.x, pDD.y, pDS.x, some_d}.

    // END OF SCOPE for `pDD`, `pDS`, `some_d`

    // rustc-inserted code (not legal Rust, since `pDD.x` and `pDD.y`
    // are inaccessible).

    if _drop_pDD_dot_x { mem::drop(pDD.x); }
    if _drop_pDD_dot_y { mem::drop(pDD.y); }

Note that in a snippet like

       _drop_pDD_dot_y = DoNotDrop;
       let temp = xform(pDD.y);

this is okay, in part because the evaluating the identifier xform is infallible. If instead it were something like:

       _drop_pDD_dot_y = DoNotDrop;
       let temp = lookup_closure()(pDD.y);

then that would not be correct, because we need to set _drop_pDD_dot_y to DoNotDrop after the lookup_closure() invocation.

It may probably be more intellectually honest to write the transformation like:

       let temp = lookup_closure()({ _drop_pDD_dot_y = DoNotDrop; pDD.y });

Control-flow sensitivity

Note that the dynamic drop obligations are based on a control-flow analysis, not just the lexical nesting structure of the code.

In particular: If control flow splits at a point like an if-expression, but the two arms never meet, then they can have completely sets of drop obligations.

This is important, since in coding patterns like loops, one often sees different sets of drop obligations prior to a break compared to a point where the loop repeats, such as a continue or the end of a loop block.

    // At the outset, the set of drop obligations is
    // just the set of moved input parameters (empty
    // in this case).

    //                                      DROP OBLIGATIONS
    //                                  ------------------------
    //                                  {  }
    let mut pDD : Pair<D,D> = mk_dd();
    let mut maybe_set : D;

    //                                  {         pDD.x, pDD.y }
    'a: loop {
        // MERGE POINT

        //                                  {     pDD.x, pDD.y }
        if test() {
            //                                  { pDD.x, pDD.y }
            //                                  {        pDD.y }
            break 'a;
        // *not* merge point (only one path, the else branch, flows here)

        //                                  {     pDD.x, pDD.y }

        // never falls through; must merge with 'a loop.

    // RESUME POINT: break 'a above flows here

    //                                  {                pDD.y }

    // This is the point immediately preceding `'b: loop`; (1.) below.

    'b: loop {
        // MERGE POINT
        // There are *three* incoming paths: (1.) the statement
        // preceding `'b: loop`, (2.) the `continue 'b;` below, and
        // (3.) the end of the loop's block below.  The drop
        // obligation for `maybe_set` originates from (3.).

        //                                  {            pDD.y, maybe_set }


        //                                  {                 , maybe_set }

        if test() {
            //                                  {             , maybe_set }
            pDD.x = mk_d();
            //                                  { pDD.x       , maybe_set }
            break 'b;

        // *not* merge point (only one path flows here)

        //                                  {                 , maybe_set }

        if test() {
            //                                  {             , maybe_set }
            pDD.y = mk_d();

            // This is (2.) referenced above.   {        pDD.y, maybe_set }
            continue 'b;
        // *not* merge point (only one path flows here)

        //                                  {                 , maybe_set }

        pDD.y = mk_d();
        // This is (3.) referenced above.   {            pDD.y, maybe_set }

        maybe_set = mk_d();

        // This is (3.) referenced above.   {            pDD.y, maybe_set }

    // RESUME POINT: break 'b above flows here

    //                                  {         pDD.x       , maybe_set }

    // when we hit the end of the scope of `maybe_set`;
    // check its stack-local flag.

Likewise, a return statement represents another control flow jump, to the end of the function.

Remove implicit memory zeroing

With the above in place, the remainder is relatively trivial. The compiler can be revised to no longer inject a drop flag into structs and enums that implement Drop, and likewise memory zeroing can be removed.

Beyond that, the libraries will obviously need to be audited for dependence on implicit memory zeroing.


The only reasons not do this are:

  1. Some hypothetical reason to continue doing implicit memory zeroing, or

  2. We want to abandon dynamic drop semantics.

At this point Felix thinks the Rust community has made a strong argument in favor of keeping dynamic drop semantics.


  • Static drop semantics RFC PR #210 has been referenced frequently in this document.

  • Eager drops RFC PR #239 is the more aggressive semantics that would drop values immediately after their final use. This would probably invalidate a number of RAII style coding patterns.

Optional Extensions

A lint identifying dynamic drop obligations

Add a lint (set by default to allow) that reports potential dynamic drop obligations, so that end-user code can opt-in to having them reported. The expected benefits of this are:

  1. developers may have intended for a value to be moved elsewhere on all paths within a function, and,

  2. developers may want to know about how many boolean dynamic drop flags are potentially being injected into their code.

Unresolved questions

How to handle moves out of array[index_expr]

Niko pointed out to me today that my prototype was not addressing moves out of array[index_expr] properly. I was assuming that we would just make such an expression illegal (or that they should already be illegal).

But they are not already illegal, and above assumption that we would make it illegal should have been explicit. That, or we should address the problem in some other way.

To make this concrete, here is some code that runs today:

struct AnnounceDrop { name: &'static str }

impl Drop for AnnounceDrop {
    fn drop(&mut self) { println!("dropping {}",; }

fn foo<A>(a: [A, ..3], i: uint) -> A {

fn main() {
    let a = [AnnounceDrop { name: "fst" },
             AnnounceDrop { name: "snd" },
             AnnounceDrop { name: "thd" }];
    let r = foo(a, 1);
    println!("foo returned {}", r);

This prints:

dropping fst
dropping thd
foo returned AnnounceDrop { name: snd }
dropping snd

because it first moves the entire array into foo, and then foo returns the second element, but still needs to drop the rest of the array.

Embedded drop flags and zeroing support this seamlessly, of course. But the whole point of this RFC is to get rid of the embedded per-value drop-flags.

If we want to continue supporting moving out of a[i] (and we probably do, I have been converted on this point), then the drop flag needs to handle this case. Our current thinking is that we can support it by using a single uint flag (as opposed to the booleans used elsewhere) for such array that has been moved out of. The uint flag represents "drop all elements from the array except for the one listed in the flag." (If it is only moved out of on one branch and not another, then we would either use an Option<uint>, or still use uint and just represent unmoved case via some value that is not valid index, such as the length of the array).

Should we keep #[unsafe_no_drop_flag] ?

Currently there is an unsafe_no_drop_flag attribute that is used to indicate that no drop flag should be associated with a struct/enum, and instead the user-written drop code will be run multiple times (and thus must internally guard itself from its own side-effects; e.g. do not attempt to free the backing buffer for a Vec more than once, by tracking within the Vec itself if the buffer was previously freed).

The "obvious" thing to do is to remove unsafe_no_drop_flag, since the per-value drop flag is going away. However, we could keep the attribute, and just repurpose its meaning to instead mean the following: Never inject a dynamic stack-local drop-flag for this value. Just run the drop code multiple times, just like today.

In any case, since the semantics of this attribute are unstable, we will feature-gate it (with feature name unsafe_no_drop_flag).


How dynamic drop semantics works

(This section is just presenting background information on the semantics of drop and the drop-flag as it works in Rust today; it does not contain any discussion of the changes being proposed by this RFC.)

A struct or enum implementing Drop will have its drop-flag automatically set to a non-zero value when it is constructed. When attempting to drop the struct or enum (i.e. when control reaches the end of the lexical scope of its owner), the injected glue code will only execute its associated fn drop if its drop-flag is non-zero.

In addition, the compiler injects code to ensure that when a value is moved to a new location in memory or dropped, then the original memory is entirely zeroed.

A struct/enum definition implementing Drop can be tagged with the attribute #[unsafe_no_drop_flag]. When so tagged, the struct/enum will not have a hidden drop flag embedded within it. In this case, the injected glue code will execute the associated glue code unconditionally, even though the struct/enum value may have been moved to a new location in memory or dropped (in either case, the memory representing the value will have been zeroed).

The above has a number of implications:

  • A program can manually cause the drop code associated with a value to be skipped by first zeroing out its memory.

  • A Drop implementation for a struct tagged with unsafe_no_drop_flag must assume that it will be called more than once. (However, every call to drop after the first will be given zeroed memory.)

Program illustrating semantic impact of hidden drop flag


use std::fmt;
use std::mem;

struct S {  name: &'static str }

struct Df { name: &'static str }

struct Pair<X,Y>{ x: X, y: Y }

static mut current_indent: uint = 0;

fn indent() -> String {
    String::from_char(unsafe { current_indent }, ' ')

impl Drop for Df {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("{}dropping Df {}", indent(),

macro_rules! struct_Dn {
    ($Dn:ident) => {

        struct $Dn { name: &'static str }

        impl Drop for $Dn {
            fn drop(&mut self) {
                if unsafe { (0,0) == mem::transmute::<_,(uint,uint)>( } {
                    println!("{}dropping already-zeroed {}",
                             indent(), stringify!($Dn));
                } else {
                    println!("{}dropping {} {}",
                             indent(), stringify!($Dn),


fn take_and_pass<T:fmt::Show>(t: T) {
    println!("{}t-n-p took and will pass: {}", indent(), &t);
    unsafe { current_indent += 4; }
    unsafe { current_indent -= 4; }

fn take_and_drop<T:fmt::Show>(t: T) {
    println!("{}t-n-d took and will drop: {}", indent(), &t);

fn xform(mut input: Df) -> Df { = "transformed";

fn foo(b: || -> bool) {
    let mut f1 = Df  { name: "f1" };
    let mut n2 = DnC { name: "n2" };
    let f3 = Df  { name: "f3" };
    let f4 = Df  { name: "f4" };
    let f5 = Df  { name: "f5" };
    let f6 = Df  { name: "f6" };
    let n7 = DnA { name: "n7" };
    let _fx = xform(f6);           // `f6` consumed by `xform`
    let _n9 = DnB { name: "n9" };
    let p = Pair { x: f4, y: f5 }; // `f4` and `f5` moved into `p`
    let _f10 = Df { name: "f10" };

    println!("foo scope start: {}", (&f3, &n7));
    unsafe { current_indent += 4; }
    if b() {
        take_and_pass(p.x); // `p.x` consumed by `take_and_pass`, which drops it
    if b() {
        take_and_pass(n7); // `n7` consumed by `take_and_pass`, which drops it
    // totally unsafe: manually zero the struct, including its drop flag.
    unsafe fn manually_zero<S>(s: &mut S) {
        let len = mem::size_of::<S>();
        let p : *mut u8 = mem::transmute(s);
        for i in range(0, len) {
            *p.offset(i as int) = 0;
    unsafe {
        manually_zero(&mut f1);
        manually_zero(&mut n2);
    println!("foo scope end");
    unsafe { current_indent -= 4; }

    // here, we drop each local variable, in reverse order of declaration.
    // So we should see the following drop sequence:
    // drop(f10), printing "Df f10"
    // drop(p)
    //   ==> drop(p.y), printing "Df f5"
    //   ==> attempt to drop(and skip) already-dropped p.x, no-op
    // drop(_n9), printing "DnB n9"
    // drop(_fx), printing "Df transformed"
    // attempt to drop already-dropped n7, printing "already-zeroed DnA"
    // no drop of `f6` since it was consumed by `xform`
    // no drop of `f5` since it was moved into `p`
    // no drop of `f4` since it was moved into `p`
    // drop(f3), printing "f3"
    // attempt to drop manually-zeroed `n2`, printing "already-zeroed DnC"
    // attempt to drop manually-zeroed `f1`, no-op.

fn main() {
    foo(|| true);