Checking conditional compilation at compile time


Rust supports conditional compilation, analogous to #ifdef in C / C++ / C#. Experience has shown that managing conditional compilation is a significant burden for large-scale development. One of the risks is that a condition may contain misspelled identifiers, or may use identifiers that are obsolete or have been removed from a product. For example:

#[cfg(feature = "widnows")]    // notice the typo!
fn do_windows_thing() { /* ... */ }

The developer intended to test for the feature named windows. This could easily have been detected by rustc if it had known the set of all valid feature flags, not only the ones currently enabled.

This RFC proposes adding new command-line options to rustc, which will allow Cargo (and other build tools) to inform rustc of the set of valid conditions, such as feature tests. Using conditions that are not valid will cause a diagnostic warning. This feature is opt-in, for backwards compatibility; if no valid configuration options are presented to rustc then no warnings are generated.


  • Stronger assurance that large code bases are correct.
  • Protect against typos, bad merges, etc.
  • Detect dead code, typically caused by feature flags that have been removed from a crate's manifest, but which still have #[cfg(...)] attributes that mention those features.

Guide-level explanation


Rust programs can use conditional compilation in order to modify programs based on the features a user has selected, the target CPU architecture, the target OS, or other parameters under control of the user. Rust programs may use conditional compilation in these ways:

  • By applying the #[cfg(c)] attribute to language elements, where c is a condition.
  • By applying the #[cfg_attr(c, attr)] attribute to language elements, where c is a conditional and attr is an attribute to apply.
  • By using the cfg!(c) built-in macro, where c is a condition. The compiler replaces the macro call with a true or false literal.

A condition can take one of two forms:

  • A single identifier, such as #[cfg(test)] or #[cfg(linux)]. These are Boolean conditions; they are either enabled or disabled.
  • A condition may test whether a given value is present in a named list of values. For example, #[cfg(feature = "lighting")] tests whether the lighting feature is enabled. Note that a given condition name may have any number of enabled values; for example, it is legal to invoke rustc --cfg feature="lighting" --cfg feature="bump_maps".
  • Boolean operators on conditions, such as not(...), all(...), and any(...).

Checking conditions names

rustc can optionally verify that condition names used in source code are valid. Valid is distinct from enabled. A valid condition is one that is allowed to appear in source code; the condition may be enabled or disabled, but it is still valid. An enabled condition is one which has been specified with a --cfg foo or --cfg 'foo = "value"' option.

For example, rustc can detect this bug, where the test condition is misspelled as tset:

if cfg!(tset) {    // uh oh, should have been 'test'

To catch this error, we give rustc the set of valid condition names:

rustc --check-cfg 'names(name1, name2, ..., nameN)' ...

The --check-cfg option does two things: First, it turns on validation for the set of condition names (and separately for values). Second, it specifies the set of valid condition names (values).

Like many rustc options the --check-cfg option can be specified in a single-argument form, with the option name and its argument joined by =, or can be specified in a two-argument form.

Well-known condition names

rustc defines a set of well-known conditions, such as test, target_os, etc. These conditions are always valid; it is not necessary to enable checking for these conditions. If these conditions are specified in a --check-cfg names(...) option then they will be ignored. This set of well-known names is a part of the stable interface of the compiler. New well-known conditions may be added in the future, because adding a new name cannot break existing code. However, a name may not be removed from the set of well-known names, because doing so would be a breaking change.

These are the well-known conditions:

  • feature
  • linux
  • test
  • target_os
  • target_arch
  • windows
  • TODO: finish enumerating this list during implementation

Checking key-value conditions

For conditions that define a list of values, such as feature, we want to verify that any #[cfg(feature = "v")] test uses a valid value v. We want to detect this kind of bug:

if cfg!(feature = "awwwwsome") {    // should have been "awesome"

This kind of bug could be due to a typo or a bad PR merge. It could also occur because a feature was removed from a Cargo.toml file, but source code still contains references to it. Or, a feature name may have been renamed in one branch, while a new use of that feature was added in a second branch. We want to catch that kind of accident during a merge.

To catch these errors, we give rustc the set of valid values for a given condition name, by specifying the --check-cfg option. For example:

rustc --check-cfg 'values(feature, "derive", "parsing", "printing", "proc-macro")' ...

# specifying values for different names requires more than one --cfg option
rustc --check-cfg 'values(foo, "red", "green")' --check-cfg 'values(bar, "up", "down")'

Checking is opt-in (disabled by default)

The default behavior of rustc is that conditional compilation names and values are not checked. This maintains compatibility with existing versions of Cargo and other build systems that might invoke rustc directly. All of the information for checking conditional compilation uses new syntactic forms of the existing --cfg option.

Checking condition names is independent of checking condition values, for those conditions that use value lists.

Example: Checking condition names, but not values

# This turns on checking for condition names, but not values, such as 'feature' values.
rustc --check-cfg 'names(is_embedded, has_feathers)' \
      --cfg has_feathers \
      --cfg 'feature = "zapping"'
#[cfg(is_embedded)] // this is valid, and #[cfg] evaluates to disabled
fn do_embedded() {}

#[cfg(has_feathers)] // this is valid, and #[cfg] evaluates to enabled
fn do_features() {}

#[cfg(has_mumble_frotz)] // this is INVALID
fn do_mumble_frotz() {}

#[cfg(feature = "lasers")] // this is valid, because values() was never used
fn shoot_lasers() {}

Example: Checking feature values, but not condition names

# This turns on checking for feature values, but not for condition names.
rustc --check-cfg 'values(feature, "zapping", "lasers")' \
      --cfg 'feature="zapping"'
#[cfg(is_embedded)]         // this is valid, because --check-cfg names(...) was never used
fn do_embedded() {}

#[cfg(has_feathers)]        // this is valid, because --check-cfg names(...) was never used
fn do_features() {}

#[cfg(has_mumble_frotz)]    // this is valid, because --check-cfg names(...) was never used
fn do_mumble_frotz() {}

#[cfg(feature = "lasers")]  // this is valid, because "lasers" is in the
                            // --check-cfg values(feature) list
fn shoot_lasers() {}

#[cfg(feature = "monkeys")] // this is INVALID, because "monkeys" is not in the
                            // --check-cfg values(feature) list
fn write_shakespeare() {}

Example: Checking both condition names and feature values

# This turns on checking for feature values and for condition names.
rustc --check-cfg 'names(is_embedded, has_feathers)' \
      --check-cfg 'values(feature, "zapping", "lasers")' \
      --cfg has_feathers \
      --cfg 'feature="zapping"' \
#[cfg(is_embedded)]         // this is valid, and #[cfg] evaluates to disabled
fn do_embedded() {}

#[cfg(has_feathers)]        // this is valid, and #[cfg] evaluates to enabled
fn do_features() {}

#[cfg(has_mumble_frotz)]    // this is INVALID, because has_mumble_frotz is not in the
                            // --check-cfg names(...) list
fn do_mumble_frotz() {}

#[cfg(feature = "lasers")]  // this is valid, because "lasers" is in the values(feature) list
fn shoot_lasers() {}

#[cfg(feature = "monkeys")] // this is INVALID, because "monkeys" is not in
                            // the values(feature) list
fn write_shakespear() {}

Cargo support

Cargo is ideally positioned to enable checking for feature flags, since Cargo knows the set of valid features. Cargo will invoke rustc --check-cfg 'values(feature, "...", ...)', so that checking for features is enabled. Optionally, Cargo could also specify the set of valid condition names.

Cargo users will not need to do anything to take advantage of this feature. Cargo will always specify the set of valid feature flags. This may cause warnings in crates that contain invalid #[cfg] conditions. (Rust is permitted to add new lints; new lints are not considered a breaking change.) If a user upgrades to a version of Cargo / Rust that supports validating features, and their crate now reports errors, then they will need to align their source code with their Cargo.toml file in order to fix the error. (Or use #[allow(...)] to suppress it.) This is a benefit, because it exposes potential existing bugs.

Supporting build systems other than Cargo

Some users invoke rustc using build systems other than Cargo. In this case, rustc will provide the mechanism for validating conditions, but those build systems will need to be updated in order to take advantage of this feature. Doing so is expected to be easy and non-disruptive, since this feature does not change the meaning of the existing --cfg option.

Reference-level explanation

What Cargo does

When Cargo builds a rustc command line, it knows which features are enabled and which are disabled. Cargo normally specifies the set of enabled features like so:

rustc --cfg 'feature="lighting"' --cfg 'feature="bump_maps"' ...

When conditional compilation checking is enabled, Cargo will also specify which features are valid, so that rustc can validate conditional compilation tests. For example:

rustc --cfg 'feature="lighting"' --cfg 'feature="bump_maps"' \
      --check-cfg 'values(feature, "lighting", "bump_maps", "mip_maps", "vulkan")'

In this command-line, Cargo has specified the full set of valid features (lighting, bump_maps, mip_maps, vulkan) while also specifying which of those features are currently enabled (lighting, bump_maps).

Command line arguments reference

rustc accepts the --check-cfg option, which specifies whether to check conditions and how to check them. The --check-cfg option takes a value, called the check cfg specification. The check cfg specification is parsed using the Rust metadata syntax, just as the --cfg option is. (This allows for easy future extensibility, and for easily specifying moderately-complex data.)

Each --check-cfg option can take one of two forms:

  1. --check-cfg names(...) enables checking condition names.
  2. --check-cfg values(...) enables checking the values within list-valued conditions.

The names(...) form

This form uses a named metadata list:

rustc --check-cfg 'names(name1, name2, ... nameN)'

where each name is a bare identifier (has no quotes). The order of the names is not significant.

If --check-cfg names(...) is specified at least once, then rustc will check all references to condition names. rustc will check every #[cfg] attribute, #[cfg_attr] attribute, and cfg!(...) call against the provided list of valid condition names. If a name is not present in this list, then rustc will report an invalid_cfg_name lint diagnostic. The default diagnostic level for this lint is Warn.

If --check-cfg names(...) is not specified, then rustc will not check references to condition names.

--check-cfg names(...) may be specified more than once. The result is that the list of valid condition names is merged across all options. It is legal for a condition name to be specified more than once; redundantly specifying a condition name has no effect.

To enable checking condition names with an empty set of valid condition names, use the following form. The parentheses are required.

rustc --check-cfg 'names()'

Note that --check-cfg 'names()' is not equivalent to omitting the option entirely. The first form enables checking condition names, while specifying that there are no valid condition names (outside of the set of well-known names defined by rustc). Omitting the --check-cfg 'names(...)' option does not enable checking condition names.

Conditions that are enabled are implicitly valid; it is unnecessary (but legal) to specify a condition name as both enabled and valid. For example, the following invocations are equivalent:

# condition names will be checked, and 'has_time_travel' is valid
rustc --cfg 'has_time_travel' --check-cfg 'names()'

# condition names will be checked, and 'has_time_travel' is valid
rustc --cfg 'has_time_travel' --check-cfg 'names(has_time_travel)'

In contrast, the following two invocations are not equivalent:

# condition names will not be checked (because there is no --check-cfg names(...))
rustc --cfg 'has_time_travel'

# condition names will be checked, and 'has_time_travel' is both valid and enabled.
rustc --cfg 'has_time_travel' --check-cfg 'names(has_time_travel)'

The values(...) form

The values(...) form enables checking the values within list-valued conditions. It has this form:

rustc --check-cfg `values(name, "value1", "value2", ... "valueN")'

where name is a bare identifier (has no quotes) and each "value" term is a quoted literal string. name specifies the name of the condition, such as feature or target_os.

When the values(...) option is specified, rustc will check every #[cfg(name = "value")] attribute, #[cfg_attr(name = "value")] attribute, and cfg!(name = "value") call. It will check that the "value" specified is present in the list of valid values. If "value" is not valid, then rustc will report an invalid_cfg_value lint diagnostic. The default diagnostic level for this lint is Warn.

The form values() is an error, because it does not specify a condition name.

To enable checking of values, but to provide an empty set of valid values, use this form:

rustc --check-cfg `values(name)`

The --check-cfg values(...) option can be repeated, both for the same condition name and for different names. If it is repeated for the same condition name, then the sets of values for that condition are merged together.

The --check-cfg names(...) and --check-cfg values(...) options are independent. names checks the namespace of condition names; values checks the namespace of the values of list-valued conditions.

Valid values can be split across multiple options

The valid condition values are the union of all options specified on the command line. For example, this command line:

# legal but redundant:
rustc --check-cfg 'values(animals, "lion")' --check-cfg 'values(animals, "zebra")'

# equivalent:
rustc --check-cfg 'values(animals, "lion", "zebra")'

This is intended to give tool developers more flexibility when generating Rustc command lines.

Enabled condition names are implicitly valid

Specifying an enabled condition name implicitly makes it valid. For example, the following invocations are equivalent:

# legal but redundant:
rustc --check-cfg 'names(animals)' --cfg 'animals = "lion"'

# equivalent:
rustc --check-cfg 'names()' --cfg 'animals = "lion"'

Enabled condition values are implicitly valid

Specifying an enabled condition value implicitly makes that value valid. For example, the following invocations are equivalent:

# legal but redundant
rustc --check-cfg 'values(animals, "lion", "zebra")' --cfg 'animals = "lion"'

# equivalent
rustc --check-cfg 'values(animals, "zebra")' --cfg 'animals = "lion"'

Specifying a condition value also implicitly marks that condition name as valid. For example, the following invocations are equivalent:

# legal but redundant:
rustc --check-cfg 'names(other, animals)' --check-cfg 'values(animals, "lion")'

# so the above can be simplified to:
rustc --check-cfg 'names(other)' --check-cfg 'values(animals, "lion")'

Checking condition names and values is independent

Checking condition names may be enabled independently of checking condition values. If checking of condition values is enabled, then it is enabled separately for each condition name.


# no checking is performed

# names are checked, but values are not checked
rustc --check-cfg 'names(has_time_travel)'

# names are not checked, but 'feature' values are checked.
# note that #[cfg(market = "...")] values are not checked.
rustc --check-cfg 'values(feature, "lighting", "bump_maps")'

# names are not checked, but 'feature' values _and_ 'market' values are checked.
rustc --check-cfg 'values(feature, "lighting", "bump_maps")' \
      --check-cfg 'values(market, "europe", "asia")'

# names _and_ feature values are checked.
rustc --check-cfg 'names(has_time_travel)' \
      --check-cfg 'values(feature, "lighting", "bump_maps")'


Until this feature is stabilized, it can only be used with a nightly compiler, and only when specifying the rustc -Z check-cfg ... option.

Similarly, users of nightly Cargo builds must also opt-in to use this feature, by specifying cargo build -Z check-cfg ....

Experience gained during stabilization will determine how this feature is best enabled in the final product. Ideally, once the feature is stabilized in rustc, the -Z check-cfg requirement will be dropped from rustc. Stabilizing in Cargo may require a stable opt-in flag, however.


Conditional checking can report these diagnostics:

  • invalid_cfg_name: Indicates that a condition name was not in the set of valid names. This diagnostic will only be reported if the command line options enable checking condition names (i.e. there is at least one --cfg 'names(...)' option and an invalid condition name is found during compilation.

  • invalid_cfg_value: Indicates that source code contained a condition value that was invalid. This diagnostic will only be reported if the command line options enable checking condition values for the specified condition name (i.e. there is a least one --check-cfg 'values(c, ...)' for a given condition name c).

All of the diagnostics defined by this RFC are reported as warnings. They can be upgraded to errors or silenced using the usual diagnostics controls.


Consider this command line:

rustc --check-cfg 'name(feature)' \
      --check-cfg 'values(feature,"lion","zebra")' \
      --cfg 'feature="lion"'

This command line indicates that this crate has two features: lion and zebra. The lion feature is enabled, while the zebra feature is disabled. Consider compiling this code:

// this is valid, and tame_lion() will be compiled
#[cfg(feature = "lion")]
fn tame_lion(lion: Lion) { ... }

// this is valid, and ride_zebra() will NOT be compiled
#[cfg(feature = "zebra")]
fn ride_zebra(zebra: Zebra) { ... }

// this is INVALID, and will cause a compiler error
#[cfg(feature = "platypus")]
fn poke_platypus() { ... }

// this is INVALID, because 'feechure' is not a known condition name,
// and will cause a compiler error.
#[cfg(feechure = "lion")]
fn tame_lion() { ... }

Note: The --check-cfg names(feature) option is necessary only to enable checking the condition name, as in the last example. feature is a well-known (always-valid) condition name, and so it is not necessary to specify it in a --check-cfg 'names(...)' option. That option can be shortened to > --check-cfg names() in order to enable checking condition names.


  • Adds complexity, in the form of additional command-line options. Fortunately, this is complexity that will be mainly be exposed to build systems, such as Cargo.

  • As with all lints, correct code may be trigger lints. Developers will need to take time to examine them and see whether they are legitimate or not.

  • To take full advantage of this, build systems (including but not limited to Cargo) must be updated. However, for those systems that are not updated, there is no penalty or drawback, since --check-cfg is opt-in.

  • This lint will not be able to detect invalid #[cfg] tests that are within modules that are not compiled, presumably because an ancestor mod is disabled due to a. For example:

    File (root module):

    #[cfg(feature = "this_is_disabled_but_valid")]
    mod foo

    File (nested module):

    #[cfg(feature = "oooooops_this_feature_is_misspelled_and_invalid")]
    mod uh_uh;

    The invalid #[cfg] attribute in will not be detected, because was not read and parsed. This is a minor drawback, and should not prevent users from benefitting from checking in most common situations.

Rationale and alternatives

This design enables checking for a class of bugs at compile time, rather than detecting them by running code.

This design does not break any existing usage of Rustc. It does not change the meaning of existing programs or existing Rustc command-line options. It is strictly opt-in. If the verification that this feature provides is valuable, then it could be promoted to a warning in the future, or eventually an error. There would need to be a cleanup period, though, where we detected failures in existing crates and fixed them.

The impact of not doing this is that a class of bugs may go undetected. These bugs are often easy to find in relatively small systems of code, but experience shows that these kinds of bugs are much harder to verify in large code bases. Rust should enable developers to scale up from small to large systems, without losing agility or reliability.

Prior art

Rust has a very strong focus on finding defects at compile time, rather than allowing defects to be detected much later in the development cycle. Statically checking that conditional compilation is used correctly is consistent with this approach.

Many languages have similar facilities for conditional compilation. C, C++, C#, and many of their variants make extensive use of conditional compilation. The author is unaware of any effort to systematically verify the correct usage of conditional compilation in these languages.

Unresolved questions

This RFC specifies the exact syntax of this feature in source code and in the command-line options for rustc. However, it does not address how these will be used by tools, such as Cargo. This is a split between "mechanism" and "policy"; the mechanism (what goes in rustc) is specified in this RFC, but the policies that control this mechanism are intentionally left out of scope.

We expect the stabilization process for the mechanism (the support in rustc) to stabilize relatively quickly. Separately, over a much longer time frame, we expect the polices that control those options to stabilize more slowly. For example, it seems uncontroversial for Cargo to enable checking for feature = "..." values immediately; this could be implemented and stabilized quickly.

However, when (if ever) should Cargo enable checking condition names? For crates that do not have a script, Cargo could enable checking condition names immediately. But for crates that do have a script, we may need a way for those scripts to control the behavior of checking condition names.

One possible source of problems may come from build scripts ( files) that add --cfg options that Cargo is not aware of. For example, if a Cargo.toml file did not define a feature flag of foo, but the file added a --cfg feature="foo" option, then source code could use foo in a condition. My guess is that this is rare, and that a Crater run will expose this kind of problem.

Future possibilities

  • Should these checks be enabled by default in Cargo?
  • How many public crates would fail these checks?
  • If these checks are enabled by default in Cargo, should they be warnings or errors?