This RFC was previously approved, but later withdrawn

For details see the summary comment.


Generalize the needle (née pattern) API to support &str, &mut str, &[T], &mut [T], Vec<T> and &OsStr.


Stabilize the Pattern API

Pattern API v1.0 (RFC 528 / issue 27721) has been implemented for nearly 3 years, but we still haven't decided to stabilize. One of the blockers is attempting to generalize the API to support str, [T] and OsStr, though it only exists as sketches and never finalized.

This RFC is raised as attempt to

  1. Generalize the pattern API so that all built-in slice-like types &str, &mut str, &[T], &mut [T], Vec<T> and &OsStr can be searched.

  2. Revise the API to address some performance and usability issues identified in the previous attempts.

We hope that this RFC could revitalize the Pattern API development and make its stabilization foreseeable.

Implement OMG-WTF-8

The OMG-WTF-8 encoding was introduced to allow slicing an &OsStr, and thus enable extending the Pattern API to &OsStr without special-casing (RFC 2295 / issue 49802). That RFC expects a Pattern API working with OsStr to generalize some methods (e.g. OsStr::ends_with()). This RFC would unblock the implementation of RFC 2295, as to decide whether to integrate with a Pattern API, or just go with the non-generic version.

Guide-level explanation

You may check the prototype package pattern-3 for API documentation and source code.

Reference-level explanation

Key concepts:

  • Searching is based on trisection, splitting a string into 3 parts: the substring before, being, and after the match. "ab123cedf" == "ab" ++ "123" ++ "cdef".
  • Haystack teaches the search algorithm how to perform splitting with proper ownership transfer.
  • Searcher is responsible for finding the range of the match.
  • Utilizing these together to safely construct many useful algorithms related to string matching.


All items below should be placed in the core::needle module, re-exported as std::needle.

We renamed "Pattern API" into "Needle API" to avoid confusion with the language's pattern matching i.e. the match expression.


A Hay is the core type which the search algorithm will run on. It is implemented on the unsized slice-like types like str, OsStr and [T].

pub unsafe trait Hay {
    type Index: Copy + Debug + Eq;

    fn empty<'a>() -> &'a Self;

    fn start_index(&self) -> Self::Index;
    fn end_index(&self) -> Self::Index;

    unsafe fn next_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index;
    unsafe fn prev_index(&self, index: Self::Index) -> Self::Index;

    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, range: Range<Self::Index>) -> &Self;

The trait is unsafe to implement because it needs to guarantee all methods (esp. .start_index() and .end_index()) follow the documented requirements, which cannot be checked automatically.

We allow a hay to customize the Index type. While str, [T] and OsStr all use usize as the index, we do want the Needle API to support other linear structures like LinkedList<T>, where a cursor/pointer would be more suitable for allowing sub-linear splitting.

start_index() = 0   next_index(2) = 6
        |         +-------------------+
        v         ^                   v
        0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
        | 48 | 69 | f0   9f   8c   8d | 21 |
        0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
             ^    v                        ^
             +----+                        |
        prev_index(2) = 1            end_index() = 7


A Haystack is any linear structure which we can do string/array matching on, and can be sliced or split so they could be returned from the matches() and split() iterators.

Haystack is implemented on the reference or collection itself e.g. &[T], &mut [T] and Vec<T>. A hay can borrowed from a haystack.

pub unsafe trait Haystack: Deref<Target: Hay> + Sized {
    fn empty() -> Self;
    unsafe fn split_around(self, range: Range<Self::Target::Index>) -> [Self; 3];

    unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, range: Range<Self::Target::Index>) -> Self {
        let [_, middle, _] = self.split_around(range);

    fn restore_range(
        original: Range<Self::Target::Index>,
        parent: Range<Self::Target::Index>,
    ) -> Range<Self::Target::Index>;
// we assume either RFC 2089 (issue #44491) or RFC 2289 is implemented.
// for simplicity we're ignoring issue #38078 which forces us to write `<Self::Target as Hay>::Index`.

We assume either Implied Bounds (RFC 2089 / issue 44491) is implemented (thus fixing [issue 20671]), or Associated Type Bounds (RFC 2289) has been accepted and implemented.

For simplicity we are ignoring issue 38078, which forces us to write <Self::Target as Hay>::Index instead of Self::Target::Index.

The self.restore_range(original, parent) method is implemented to solve:

  • given haystacks a and b
  • given a = b[original] and self = a[parent]
  • find range such that self == b[original][parent] == b[range]

This method is used to recover the original range in functions like find() and match_indices(). It is usually just implemented as (original.start + parent.start)..(original.start + parent.end).

When an index is based on a pointer, splitting a haystack will invalidate those pointers. However, a pointer is persisted with slicing, so they could implement this method simply as self.start_index()..self.end_index().

Shared haystack

A SharedHaystack is a marker sub-trait which tells the compiler this haystack can cheaply be cheaply cloned (i.e. shared), e.g. a &H or Rc<H>. Implementing this trait alters some behavior of the Span structure discussed next section.

pub trait SharedHaystack: Haystack + Clone {}

.restore_range() will never be called with a shared haystack and should be implemented as unreachable!().


A Span is a haystack coupled with information where the original span is found.

pub struct Span<H: Haystack> { /* hidden */ }

impl<H: Haystack> Span<H> {
    pub fn original_range(&self) -> Range<H::Target::Index>;
    pub fn borrow(&self) -> Span<&H::Target>;
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Self;

    pub unsafe fn split_around(self, subrange: Range<H::Target::Index>) -> [Self; 3];
    pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked(self, subrange: Range<H::Target::Index>) -> Self;

impl<H: SharedHaystack> Span<H> {
    pub fn into_parts(self) -> (H, Range<H::Target::Index>);
    pub unsafe fn from_parts(haystack: H, range: Range<H::Target::Index>) -> Self;

impl<H: Haystack> From<H> for Span<H> { ... }
impl<H: Haystack> From<Span<H>> for H { ... }

The behavior of a span differs slightly between a shared haystack and unique haystack (this is also the main reason why the Span structure is introduced).

                     Span<&str>                         Span<&mut str>

               -+---+---+---+---+---+-               +---+---+---+---+---+
                | C | D | E | F | G |                | C | D | E | F | G |
               -+---+---+---+---+---+-               +---+---+---+---+---+
                ^___________________^                ^                   ^
                 3..8                                3                   8

split_around:           ^_______^                            ^_______^
                         5..7                                 2..4

               -+---+---+---+---+---+-               +---+---+
                | C | D | E | F | G |                | C | D |
               -+---+---+---+---+---+-               +---+---+
                ^_______^                            ^       ^
                 3..5                                3       5

               -+---+---+---+---+---+-                       +---+---+
                | C | D | E | F | G |                        | E | F |
               -+---+---+---+---+---+-                       +---+---+
                        ^_______^                            ^       ^
                         5..7                                5       7

               -+---+---+---+---+---+-                               +---+
                | C | D | E | F | G |                                | G |
               -+---+---+---+---+---+-                               +---+
                                ^___^                                ^   ^
                                 7..8                                7   8

A span of shared haystack will always store a copy of the original haystack when splitting, because the haystack can be cheaply cloned. Splitting is thus just manipulation of the range only. Slicing is only done when returning from an algorithm.

A non-shared haystack needs to maintain unique ownership for each haystack slice. Therefore, a haystack will be split as soon as the span is split. The "original range" becomes a value disconnected from the haystack, and this is where .restore_range() is needed: to recover the indices in the middle (5 == 3 + 2 and 7 == 3 + 4).


A searcher only provides a single method: .search(). It takes a span as input, and returns the first sub-range where the given needle is found.

pub unsafe trait Searcher<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;

pub unsafe trait ReverseSearcher<A: Hay + ?Sized>: Searcher<A> {
    fn rsearch(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;

pub unsafe trait DoubleEndedSearcher<A: Hay + ?Sized>: ReverseSearcher<A> {}

The .search() function is safe because there is no safe ways to construct a Span<&A> with invalid ranges. Implementations of .search() often start with:

    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>> {
        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
        // search for needle from `hay` restricted to `range`.

The trait is unsafe to implement because it needs to guarantee the returned range is valid.

There is a "reverse" version of the trait, which supports searching from the end with the .rsearch() method besides from the start.

Furthermore, there is a "double-ended" version, which is a marker trait saying that searching from both ends will give consistent results. The searcher of a substring needle is an example which implements ReverseSearcher but not DoubleEndedSearcher, e.g.

  • Forward searching the needle xx in the haystack xxxxx will yield [xx][xx]x
  • Backward searching the needle xx in the haystack xxxxx will yield x[xx][xx]


A consumer provides the .consume() method to implement starts_with() and trim_start(). It takes a span as input, and if the beginning matches the needle, returns the end index of the match.

pub unsafe trait Consumer<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index>;

pub unsafe trait ReverseConsumer<A: Hay + ?Sized>: Consumer<A> {
    fn rconsume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index>;

pub unsafe trait DoubleEndedConsumer<A: Hay + ?Sized>: ReverseConsumer<A> {}

Comparing searcher and consumer, the .search() method will look for the first slice matching the searcher's needle in the span, and returns the range where the slice is found (relative to the hay's start index). The .consume() method is similar, but anchored to the start of the span.

let span = unsafe { Span::from_parts("CDEFG", 3..8) };
// we can find "CD" at the start of the span.
assert_eq!("CD".into_searcher().search(span.clone()), Some(3..5));
assert_eq!("CD".into_consumer().consume(span.clone()), Some(5));
// we can only find "EF" in the middle of the span.
assert_eq!("EF".into_searcher().search(span.clone()), Some(5..7));
assert_eq!("EF".into_consumer().consume(span.clone()), None);
// we cannot find "GH" in the span.
assert_eq!("GH".into_searcher().search(span.clone()), None);
assert_eq!("GH".into_consumer().consume(span.clone()), None);

The trait also provides a .trim_start() method in case a faster specialization exists.

Similar to searchers, the consumers also have the "reverse" and "double-ended" variants.


A needle is simply a "factory" of a searcher and consumer.

trait Needle<H: Haystack>: Sized {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H::Target>;
    type Consumer: Consumer<H::Target>;

    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher;
    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer;

Needles are the types where users used to supply into the algorithms. Needles are usually immutable (stateless), while searchers sometimes require pre-computation and mutable state when implementing some more sophisticated string searching algorithms.

The relation between Needle and Searcher/Consumer is thus like IntoIterator and Iterator.

There are two required methods .into_searcher() and .into_consumer(). In some needles (e.g. substring search), checking if a prefix match will require much less pre-computation than checking if any substring match. Therefore, a consumer could use a more efficient structure with this specialized purpose.

impl<H: Haystack<Target = str>> Needle<H> for &'p str {
    type Searcher = SliceSearcher<'p, [u8]>;
    type Consumer = NaiveSearcher<'p, [u8]>;
    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher {
        // create a searcher based on Two-Way algorithm.
    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer {
        // create a searcher based on naive search (which requires no pre-computation)

Note that, unlike IntoIterator, the standard library is unable to provide a blanket impl:

impl<H, S> Needle<H> for S
    H: Haystack,
    S: Searcher<H::Target> + Consumer<H::Target>,
    type Searcher = Self;
    type Consumer = Self;
    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self { self }
    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self { self }

This is because there is already an existing Needle impl:

impl<'h, F> Needle<&'h str> for F
    F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
{ ... }

and a type can implement all of (FnMut(char) -> bool) + Searcher<str> + Consumer<str>, causing impl conflict.


Standard algorithms are provided as functions in the core::needle::ext module.

List of algorithms

Starts with, ends with

pub fn starts_with<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn ends_with<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Consumer: ReverseConsumer<H::Target>>;


pub fn trim_start<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn trim_end<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Consumer: ReverseConsumer<H::Target>>;

pub fn trim<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> H
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Consumer: DoubleEndedConsumer<H::Target>>;


(These function do return concrete iterators in the actual implementation.)

pub fn matches<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rmatches<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn contains<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn match_indices<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = (H::Target::Index, H)>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rmatch_indices<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = (H::Target::Index, H)>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn find<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<H::Target::Index>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rfind<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<H::Target::Index>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn match_ranges<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Range<H::Target::Index>, H)>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rmatch_ranges<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Range<H::Target::Index>, H)>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn find_range<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<Range<H::Target::Index>>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rfind_range<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<Range<H::Target::Index>>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;


pub fn split<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rsplit<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn split_terminator<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rsplit_terminator<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;

pub fn splitn<H, P>(haystack: H, n: usize, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>;

pub fn rsplitn<H, P>(haystack: H, n: usize, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H, Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>>;


pub fn replace_with<H, P, F, W>(src: H, from: P, replacer: F, writer: W)
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>,
    F: FnMut(H) -> H,
    W: FnMut(H);

pub fn replacen_with<H, P, F, W>(src: H, from: P, replacer: F, n: usize, writer: W)
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>,
    F: FnMut(H) -> H,
    W: FnMut(H);

Most algorithms are very simple to implement using trisection (.split_around()). For instance, split() can be implemented as:

gen fn split<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>,
    let mut searcher = needle.into_searcher();
    let mut rest = Span::from(haystack);
    while let Some(range) = {
        let [left, _, right] = unsafe { rest.split_around(range) };
        yield left.into();
        rest = right;
    yield rest;

These functions are forwarded as inherent methods of the haystack type, e.g.

impl str {

    pub fn split_mut<'a>(
        &'a mut self,
        needle: impl Needle<&'a mut str>,
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a mut str> {
        core::needle::split(self, needle)

    pub fn replace<'a>(
        &'a self,
        from: impl Needle<&'a str>,
        to: &str,
    ) -> String {
        let mut res = String::with_capacity(self.len());
        core::needle::replace_with(self, from, |_| to, |r| res.push_str(r));


Standard library changes

  • Remove the entire core::str::pattern module from public, as this is unstable.

  • Add the core::needle module with traits and structs shown above.

  • Implement Hay to str, [T] and OsStr.

  • Implement Haystack to ∀H: Hay. &H, &mut str and &mut [T].

  • Implement Needle as following:

    • Needle<&{mut} str> for char
    • Needle<&{mut} str> for &[char] and FnMut(char)->bool
    • Needle<&{mut} str> for &str, &&str and &String
    • Needle<&{mut} [T]> for FnMut(&T)->bool
    • Needle<&{mut} [T]> for &[T] where T: PartialEq
    • Needle<&OsStr> for &OsStr and &str
  • Change the following methods of str to use the Needle API:

    • .contains(), .starts_with(), .ends_with()
    • .find(), .rfind()
    • .split(), .rsplit()
    • .split_terminator(), .rsplit_terminator()
    • .splitn(), .rsplitn()
    • .matches(), .rmatches()
    • .match_indices(), .rmatch_indices()
    • .trim_matches(), .trim_left_matches(), .trim_right_matches()
    • .replace(), .replacen()

    Note also issue 30459 suggests deprecating trim_{left, right} and rename them to trim_{start, end}.

  • Add the following range-returning methods to str:

    • .find_range(), .rfind_range()
    • .match_ranges(), .rmatch_ranges()
  • Add the following mutable methods to str, they should all take &mut self:

    • .split_mut(), .rsplit_mut()
    • .split_terminator_mut(), .rsplit_terminator_mut()
    • .splitn_mut(), .rsplitn_mut()
    • .matches_mut(), .rmatches_mut()
    • .match_indices_mut(), .rmatch_indices_mut()
    • .match_ranges_mut(), .rmatch_ranges_mut()
  • Modify the following iterators in core::str to type alias of the corresponding Needle API iterators, and mark them as deprecated:

    macro_rules! forward_to_needle_api {
        ($($name:ident)+) => {
                pub type $name<'a, P> = needle::ext::$name<&'a str, <P as Pattern<&'a str>>::Searcher>;
    forward_to_needle_api! {
        MatchIndices Matches Split SplitN SplitTerminator
        RMatchIndices RMatches RSplit RSplitN RSplitTerminator

    Rust allows the type alias to be stable while the underlying type be unstable.

  • Generalize these methods of [T] to use the new Needle API:

    • .split(), .split_mut(), .rsplit(), .rsplit_mut()
    • .splitn(), .splitn_mut(), .rsplitn(), rsplitn_mut()
    • .starts_with(), .ends_with()
  • Add the following methods to [T]:

    • .contains_match() (note: the existing .contains() method is incompatible with Needle API)
    • .find(), .rfind(), .find_range(), .rfind_range()
    • .matches(), .matches_mut(), .rmatches(), .rmatches_mut()
    • .match_indices(), .match_indices_mut(), .rmatch_indices(), .rmatch_indices_mut()
    • .match_ranges(), .match_ranges_mut(), .rmatch_ranges(), .rmatch_ranges_mut()
    • .trim_matches(), .trim_start_matches(), .trim_end_matches()
    • .replace(), .replacen() (produce a Vec<T>)
  • Modify the following iterators in core::slice to type alias of the corresponding Needle API iterators, and mark them as deprecated:

    macro_rules! forward_to_needle_api {
        ($($name:ident $name_mut:ident)+) => {
                pub type $name<'a, T, P> = needle::ext::$name<&'a [T], ElemSearcher<P>>;
                pub type $name_mut<'a, T, P> = needle::ext::$name<&'a mut [T], ElemSearcher<P>>;
    forward_to_needle_api! {
        Split SplitMut
        SplitN SplitNMut
        RSplit RSplitMut
        RSplitN RSplitNMut
  • Add all immutable Needle API algorithms to OsStr. The .replace() and .replacen() methods should produce an OsString.


The benchmark of the pattern_3 package shows that algorithms using the Needle API ("v3.0 API") is close to or much faster than the corresponding methods in libstd using v1.0.

The main performance improvement comes from trim(). In v1.0, trim() depends on the Searcher::next_reject() method, which requires initializing a searcher and compute the critical constants for the Two-Way search algorithm. Search algorithms mostly concern about quickly skip through mismatches, but the purpose of .next_reject() is to find mismatches, so a searcher would be a job mismatch for trim(). This justifies the Consumer trait in v3.0.

Summary of benchmark

(The lower the number, the better)

Test casev3.0 time change
find(_ == ' ')−30%
rfind(_ == ' ')−8%
split(" ").count()−4%


  • This RFC suggests generalizing some stabilized methods of str and [T] to adapt the Needle API. This might cause inference breakage.

  • Some parts of the Haystack trait (e.g. the .restore_range() method) may not be intuitive enough.

  • This RFC does not address some problems raised in issue 27721:

    1. v3.0 still assumes strict left-to-right or right-to-left searching. Some niche data structures like suffix table as a haystack would return matches without any particular order, and thus cannot be supported.

    2. Needles are still moved when converting to a Searcher or Consumer. Taking the entire ownership of the needle might prevent some use cases... ?

  • Stabilization of this RFC is blocked by RFC 1672 (disjointness based on associated types) which is postponed.

    The default Needle implementation currently uses an impl that covers all haystacks (impl<H: Haystack<Target = A>> Needle<H> for N) for some types, and several impls for individual types for others (impl<'h> Needle<&'h A> for N). Ideally every such impl should use the blanket impl. Unfortunately, due to lack of RFC 1672, there would be conflict between these impls:

    // 1.
    impl<'p, H> Needle<H> for &'p [char]
        H: Haystack<Target = str>,
    { ... }
    impl<'p, H> Needle<H> for &'p [T] // `T` can be `char`
        H: Haystack<Target = [T]>,
        T: PartialEq + 'p,
    { ... }
    // 2.
    impl<H, F> Needle<H> for F
        H: Haystack<Target = str>,
        F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
    { ... }
    impl<T, H, F> Needle<H> for F
        H: Haystack<Target = [T]>,
        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool, // `F` can impl both `FnMut(char)->bool` and `FnMut(&T)->bool`.
        T: PartialEq,
    { ... }
    // 3.
    impl<'p, H> Needle<H> for &'p str
        H: Haystack<Target = str>,
    { ... }
    impl<'p, H> Needle<H> for &'p str
        H: Haystack<Target = OsStr>,
    { ... }

    We currently provide concrete impls like impl<'h, 'p> Needle<&'h OsStr> for &'p str as workaround, but if we stabilize the Needle trait before RFC 1672 is implemented, a third-party crate can sneak in an impl:

    struct MyOsString { ... };
    impl Deref for MyOsString {
        type Target = OsStr;
    impl Haystack for MyOsString { ... }
    impl<'p> Needle<MyOsString> for &'p str { ... }

    and causes the standard library not able to further generalize (this is a breaking change).

    RFC 1672 is currently blocked by chalk integration before it could be reopened.

Rationale and alternatives


These are some guiding principles v3.0 will adhere to.

Generic algorithms

  1. The Needle API should define an interface which can be used to easily implement all algorithms the standard library currently provides:

    • starts_with(), ends_with()
    • trim_left_matches(), trim_right_matches(), trim_matches()
    • contains(), find(), rfind()
    • matches(), rmatches(), match_indices(), rmatch_indices()
    • split(), rsplit(), split_terminator(), rsplit_terminator()
    • splitn(), rsplitn()
    • replace(), replacen()
  2. We should not need "non-local unsafety" when writing these algorithms. Mainly, we should not need to do borrowck by hand (e.g. ensuring there is no overlapping mutable slices across functions).

Haystack implementor

  1. The standard slice types must be supported: &str, &mut str, &[T], &mut [T], Vec<T>, and &OsStr.

  2. The API should be compatible with linked list and rope data structure as haystack, assuming we get either custom DST or GATs implemented.

Needle/Searcher implementor

  1. The existing needle for &str and &mut str should be supported:

    • char
    • FnMut(char) -> bool, &[char]
    • &str, &&str, &String

    Additionally, these re-implementations should not be slower than the existing ones in the standard library.

  2. These needles for &[T], &mut [T] and Vec<T> should be supported:

    • FnMut(&T) -> bool
    • &[T] where T: PartialEq
  3. These needles for &OsStr should be supported:

    • &str
    • &OsStr
  4. It should be possible to implement Needle for &Regex within the regex package.

  5. One should not need to implement a Searcher three times to support &[T], &mut [T] and Vec<T>. The searcher should rely on that these all can be borrowed as an &[T].

Design rationales

The section lists some important use cases which shape v3.0.

No more .next_reject()

In v1.0 a searcher provides a .next() method which returns what is being seen ahead: a match, no-match, or end-to-string, and then advance the cursor.

None of the generic algorithms besides starts_with()/ends_with() uses the full power of .next(). The rest depend entirely on filtered versions of .next():

  • .next_match(), which produces ranges of matches, is used for matches() and split() etc.
  • .next_reject(), which produces ranges of non-matches, is used for trim().

Implementing .next() is sometimes not trivial. In v1.2 this method is entirely abolished in favor of implementing .next_match() and .next_reject() directly. The starts_with() methods are supported instead via a specialized method in the Needle trait.

However, we see that even .next_reject() is not something obvious. Given that .next_reject() is only used in trim(), in v3.0 we decide to remove this method as well, and instead make the Needle implement trim() directly.

Searching in a &mut str

In all versions of Pattern APIs up to v2.0, the "haystack" is directly managed by the searcher.

// v2.0
trait Pattern<H: PatternHaystack> {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H>;
    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: H) -> Self::Searcher;
trait Searcher<H: PatternHaystack> {
    fn haystack(&self) -> H::Haystack; // e.g. returns (*mut u8, *mut u8) for H = &mut str
    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(H::Cursor, H::Cursor)>;

The generic algorithms like matches() and split() would turn the cursor pair back into slices. With mutable slices, this means logically both the searcher and the matches()/split() iterators would hold a copy of the same mutable slice, which violates the "Aliasing XOR Mutability" rule.

This could be avoid by having the searcher carefully written to not look back into parts given out via next_match()/next_reject()/next_match_back()/next_reject_back(), however this kind of unsafety is very un-rustic (contradicts with "fearless concurrency").

A better way to avoid this is to ensure there is a unique owner to the haystack. Therefore, the generic algorithm must now borrow the haystack for the searcher to work with:

// v3.0-alpha.1
trait Needle<H: Haystack> {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H>;
    fn into_searcher(self) -> Self::Searcher;
    //^ searcher no longer captures the haystack.
trait Searcher<H: Haystack> {
    // no more haystack() method.
    fn search(&mut self, haystack: &H) -> Option<Range<H::Index>>;

The matches() algorithm can then take the whole responsibility to split out non-overlapping slices of the haystack it owns:

// v3.0-alpha.1
gen fn matches<H: Haystack, P: Needle<H>>(mut haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H> {
    let mut searcher = needle.into_searcher();
    while let Some(range) = {
        // split the haystack into 3 parts.
        let [_, matched, rest] = haystack.split_around(range);
        haystack = rest;
        yield matched;

Matching a &Regex

In the prototype above, we always feed the remaining haystack into .search(). This works fine for built-in needle types like char and &str, but is totally broken for more advanced regular expression needles.

The main issue is due to anchors and look-around. Anchors like ^ and $ depend on the actual position where the slice appears. Look-around like (?=foo), (?<!foo) and \b depend on parts which may have already matched. These means to make regex work, we must pass the entire haystack (not just the remaining part), and a range indicating what's the part should be matched.

In fact, this behavior is consistent with all regex libraries in the wild, e.g. regex, onig and pcre.

// v3.0-alpha.2
trait Searcher<H: Haystack> {
    fn search(&mut self, full_haystack: &H, range: Range<H::Index>) -> Option<Range<H::Index>>;

This API completely conflicts with &mut str as a haystack though. This is fine as a &mut str is incompatible with look-around anyway, but it is not OK for matches() which need to support both "matching &mut str with char" and "matching &str with &Regex".

We fix this problem by treating the haystack and range as a single entity we call span:

// v3.0-alpha.3
trait Searcher<H: Haystack> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: (&H, Range<H::Index>)) -> Option<Range<H::Index>>;
gen fn matches<H: Haystack, P: Needle<H>>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H> {
    let mut searcher = needle.into_searcher();
    let mut span = (haystack, haystack.start_index()..haystack.end_index());
    while let Some(range) =, span.1.clone())) {
        // split the span into 3 parts.
        let [_, matched, rest] = span.split_around(range);
        span = rest;
        yield matched.0.slice_unchecked(matched.1);

For a span of &str, we will implement .split_around() to keep the original haystack, and only split the ranges. While for &mut str, this method will split the haystack apart.

The call the these a shared span and unique span respectively. The split behavior of shared span in fact is independent of haystack, and the operation is done entirely on the Range alone. Thus we could reduce repetitive implementation by providing Span<H> in the standard library. The Haystack implementation only needs to specify which flavor is chosen by a marker trait.

// v3.0-alpha.4
trait SharedHaystack: Haystack + Clone {}

struct Span<H: Haystack> {
    haystack: H,
    range: Range<H::Index>,

impl<H: Haystack> Span<H> {
    fn split_around(self, range: Range<H::Index>) -> [Self; 3];
    fn borrow(&self) -> (&H::Target, Range<H::Index>);

gen fn matches<H: Haystack, P: Needle<H>>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> impl Iterator<Item = H> {
    let mut searcher = needle.into_searcher();
    let mut span = H::Span::from(haystack);
    while let Some(range) = {
        let [_, matched, rest] = span.split_around(range);
        span = rest;
        yield H::from(matched);

Hay: Don't repeat yourself

When we support searching both &str and &mut str, we'll often need to implement the same algorithm to both types. v2.0 solves this by using macros, which works but is not elegant.

Since both &str and &mut str can be borrowed as a str, we could force every haystack to implement Borrow. We call the borrowed type a hay. The searcher can then only work on the hay, instead of haystack.

// v3.0-alpha.5
unsafe trait Haystack: Deref<Target: Hay> {
trait Searcher<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;

Unfortunately, a Needle must be associated with the Haystack, because we must not allow "match &mut str with &Regex" to happen. Thus macros would still be needed, though not surrounding the entire module.

// v3.0-alpha.5
trait Needle<H: Haystack> {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H::Target>;


In v2.0 and before, a pattern (needle) will need to specialize starts_with() and ends_with().

// v2.0
trait Pattern<H: PatternHaystack> {
    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: H) -> bool;
    fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: H) -> bool where Self::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H>;

In v3.0, we have removed .next_reject() from Searcher, and thus Needle needs to provide .trim_start() and .trim_end() as well, making the Needle trait quite large.

There are many disadvantages by putting these specialization methods directly inside Needle:

  1. Issue 20021 means the Needle impl for &Regex will still need to implement .is_suffix_of() and .trim_end() even if they are unimplemented!()
  2. These two methods do not use the searcher directly, but is bounded by where Self::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H> which feels strange.
  3. More code needs to be repeated to delegate an implementation e.g. from &str to &[u8].

A solution move .is_prefix_of() and .trim_start() directly into Searcher. However, a searcher sometimes requires preprocessing unnecessary for these operations. Therefore, instead we put them into a separate entity called a consumer.

// v3.0-alpha.6
trait Needle<H: Haystack> {
    type Consumer: Consumer<H::Target>;
    fn into_consumer(self) -> Self::Consumer;
trait Consumer<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn is_prefix_of(&mut self, hay: &A) -> bool;
    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index;

We observed that .is_prefix_of() and .trim_start() have one thing in common: they both only match the beginning of text. This allows us to require only a single method in the Consumer trait.

// v3.0-alpha.7
trait Consumer<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn consume(&mut self, hay: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index>;
    fn trim_start(&mut self, hay: &A) -> A::Index { /* default impl */ }

Both starts_with() and trim() can be efficiently implemented in terms of .consume(), though for some needles a specialized trim() can be even faster, so we keep this default method.

Miscellaneous decisions

usize as index instead of pointers

Pattern API v1.3–v2.0 all used cursors (pointers) as the primary indexing method. v3.0 still supports cursor-based indexing, but reverts to usize for the built-in slice types (str, [T] and OsStr). There are two reasons for this:

  1. Zero-sized types. All elements of a slice of ZSTs e.g. [()] have the same pointer. A proper haystack/searcher implementation would need to check size_of::<T>() and encode the index into (non-zero) pointers when the size is 0. This made the code very ugly and easy to get wrong (the v2.0 implementation does not consider ZSTs for instance).

  2. No performance advantage. We have tested the performance and found that using integer index or cursor pointer have similar performance.

DSTs instead of GATs

We share a searcher implementation by introducing the Hay trait, as the dereference target of the Haystack trait, i.e. &[T], &mut [T] and Vec<T> will all be delegated to [T]:

unsafe trait Haystack: Deref<Target: Hay> + Sized {
unsafe trait Searcher<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;

The problem is not every haystack can be dereferenced. Proper support of any types beyond slices would require custom dynamic-sized types (DSTs).

An alternative formation is delegating to a shared haystack by generic associated types (GATs):

unsafe trait Haystack: Sized {
    type Shared<'a>: SharedHaystack;
    fn borrow(&self) -> Self::Shared<'_>;
unsafe trait Searcher<H: SharedHaystack> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<H>) -> Option<Range<H::Index>>;

We have decided to go with the DSTs approach because:

  1. Non-slice haystacks are rare. The built-in types that v3.0 aims to support all have corresponding built-in DSTs (str, [T] and OsStr), making the problem of custom DSTs irrelevant in the standard library.

  2. GATs is still unimplemented. While the RFC for GATs has been accepted, the implementation has still not landed on the Rust compiler, making it impossible to create a test prototype.

Deref instead of Borrow

The Haystack trait inherits Deref and requires its Target to implement Hay. An alternative is extending Borrow instead:

unsafe trait Haystack: Borrow<Self::Hay> + Sized {
    type Hay: Hay + ?Sized;

The advantage of Borrow is that it does not force us to rely on custom DST because ∀T. T: Borrow<T>, but that is not the whole picture — the owned type LinkedList<T> cannot implement Hay, because it cannot properly implement slice_unchecked(&self, ...) -> &Self (we cannot magically make up a borrowed sub-list).

And thus the more general Borrow trait offers no advantage over Deref.

Searcher makes Hay an input type instead of associated type

The Searcher and Consumer traits makes the hay as input type. This makes any algorithm relying on a ReverseSearcher need to spell out the hay as well.

trait Searcher<A: Hay + ?Sized> {
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>>;

fn rfind<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<H::Target::Index>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>,
    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<H::Target>; // <---

An alternative is to make Hay an associated type:

trait Searcher {
    type Hay: Hay + ?Sized;
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&Self::Hay>) -> Option<Range<Self::Hay::Index>>;

fn rfind<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> Option<H::Target::Index>
    H: Haystack,
    P: Needle<H>,
    P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher;

This would mean a searcher type can only search on one haystack. It turns out a searcher is shared quite frequently, e.g. the two-way search algorithm is shared among the needles of &[T], &str and &OsStr. Associated type would force creation of many wrapper types which is annoying.

Therefore we stay with having the hay as the input type, the same choice taken in v2.0 and before.

Specialization of contains()

v3.0 removed the Needle::is_contained_in() method. The contains() algorithm simply returned The micro-benchmarks shows no performance decrease, thus the method is removed to reduce the API surface.

Needle for &[T] only requires T: PartialEq

Sub-slice searching nowadays uses the Two-Way search algorithm, which requires ordered alphabet i.e. T: Ord. However, there are already two stabilized APIs only assuming T: PartialEq:

impl<T> [T] {
    pub fn starts_with(&self, needle: &[T]) -> bool
        T: PartialEq;

    pub fn ends_with(&self, needle: &[T]) -> bool
        T: PartialEq;

While we could allow only starts_with/ends_with to be bound on PartialEq and make the rest of the array searching algorithm require T: Ord, it feels very inconsistent to do so.

With specialization, this dilemma can be easily fixed: we will fallback to an algorithm which only requires T: PartialEq (e.g. galil-seiferas or even naive search), and use the faster Two-Way algorithm when T: Ord.

Not having default implementations for search and consume

In the Searcher and Consumer traits, .search() and .consume() can be implemented in terms of each other:

impl<A, C> Searcher<A> for C
    A: Hay + ?Sized,
    C: Consumer<A>,
    fn search(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<Range<A::Index>> {
        // we can implement `search` in terms of `consume`
        let (hay, range) = span.into_parts();
        loop {
            unsafe {
                if let Some(end) = self.consume(Span::from_span(hay, range.clone())) {
                    return Some(range.start..end);
                if range.start == range.end {
                    return None;
                range.start = hay.next_index(range.start);

impl<A, S> Consumer<A> for S
    A: Hay + ?Sized,
    S: Searcher<A>,
    fn consume(&mut self, span: Span<&A>) -> Option<A::Index> {
        // we can implement `consume` in terms of `search`
        let start = span.original_range().start;
        let range =;
        if range.start == start {
        } else {

These fallbacks should only be used when the needle does not allow more efficient implementations, which is often not the case. To encourage needle implementations to support both primitives, where they should have full control of the details, we keep them as required methods.

Names of everything

  • Haystack. Inherited from the v1.0 method Searcher::haystack(). v2.0 called it PatternHaystack since Haystack is an associated type referring to a range of cursors, but v3.0 does away the exclusive cursor-based design and thus can choose the shorter name for the trait.

  • Hay. Chosen as a shorter but related name from "Haystack", similar to the relation in Stringstr and PathBufPath.

  • Needle. Renamed from Pattern to clear confusion with the language's pattern matching. Calling it "needle" to pair up with "haystack".

  • Searcher::search(). The name "Searcher" is the same as v1.0. The method is renamed from .next_match() since it needs to take a span as input and thus no longer iterator-like. It is renamed to .search() as a shorter verb and also consistent with the trait name.

  • Consumer::consume(). The name is almost randomly chosen as there's no good name for this operation. This name is taken from the same function in the re2 library.

    • Consumer is totally different from Searcher. Calling it PrefixSearcher or AnchoredSearcher would imply a non-existing sub-classing relationship.

    • We would also like a name which is only a single word.

    • We want the name not start with the letter S so we could easily distinguish between this and Searcher when quick-scanning the code, in particular when ReverseXxxer is involved.

    • "Matcher" (using name from Python) is incompatible with the existing .matches() method. Besides, the meaning of "match" is very ambiguous among other libraries.

    Names from other languages and libraries

    | Library | Substring | Start of text | Entire string | |---------------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-----------------------| | C# (.NET) | Match | - | - | | C++ | regex_search | - | regex_match | | D | matchFirst | - | - | | Dart | firstMatch | matchAsPrefix | - | | Erlang | run | (anchored) | - | | Go | Find | - | - | | Haskell | match | - | - | | ICU | find | lookingAt | matches | | Java (JVM) | find | lookingAt | matches | | JavaScript | exec/match | - | - | | Kotlin | find | - | matchEntire | | Lua | find/match | - | - | | Nim | find | - | match | | OCaml | search_forward | string_match | - | | Oniguruma | onig_search | - | onig_match | | PCRE2 | pcre2_match | (PCRE2_ANCHORED) | (PCRE2_ENDANCHORED) | | POSIX | regexec | - | - | | Python | search | match | fullmatch | | re2 | PartialMatch | Consume | FullMatch | | Ruby | match | - | - | | Rust | find | - | - | | Scala | findFirstIn | findPrefixOf | - | | Swift | firstMatch | - | - |

  • rsearch(), rconsume(). The common naming convention of algorithms for reverse searching is adding an r prefix, so we do the same for the trait methods as well.

  • Span. The name is taken from the rustc compiler.


  • The names of everything except Searcher and Haystack are not finalized.

Prior art

Previous attempts


The existing Pattern API was introduced in RFC 528 to provide a common interface for several search-related operations on a string. There were several minor revisions after the RFC was accepted, but till nowadays is still an unstable API.

A Pattern is currently implemented for the following types:

  • char — search for a single character in a string.
  • &[char] — search for a character set in a string.
  • &str, &&str, &String — search for a substring.
  • FnMut(char) -> bool — search by property of a character.
  • &regex::Regex — search by regular expression (provided through the regex package).
trait Pattern<'a> {
    type Searcher: Searcher<'a>;
    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'a str) -> Self::Searcher;

    fn is_contained_in(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool { ... }
    fn is_prefix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool { ... }
    fn is_suffix_of(self, haystack: &'a str) -> bool where Self::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a> { ... }

The Pattern trait is a builder object. To perform searching, implementations will convert itself into a Searcher object. This conversion serves two purposes:

  1. Preprocess the pattern to allow for faster algorithm, e.g. the Pattern::into_search for substring search will calculate critical information to perform the Two-Way search algorithm.
  2. Store the mutable search states.
unsafe trait Searcher<'a> {
    fn haystack(&self) -> &'a str;
    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { ... }
    fn next_reject(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { ... }
    fn next(&mut self) -> SearchStep;

Calling next_match() or next_reject() will yield a range:

  • next_match() — returns the next substring range of the haystack which matches a single instance of the pattern.
  • next_reject() — returns the next longest substring range of the haystack which contains no pattern at all.

(The next() call interleaves both methods above.)

// for simplicity, `where` clauses involving ReverseSearcher and DoubleEndedSearcher are omitted.
impl str {
    fn contains(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> bool;
    fn starts_with(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> bool;
    fn find(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> Option<usize>;
    fn split(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn split_terminator(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn splitn(&'a self, n: usize, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn matches(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn match_indices(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &'a str)>;
    fn trim_left_matches(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> &'a str;
    fn replace(&'a self, from: impl Pattern<'a>, to: &str) -> String;
    fn replacen(&'a self, from: impl Pattern<'a>, to: &str, count usize) -> String;

    // The following requires the Pattern's Searcher to additionally be constrained by `ReverseSearcher`
    fn ends_with(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> bool;
    fn rfind(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> Option<usize>;
    fn rsplit(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn rsplit_terminator(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn rsplitn(&'a self, n: usize, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn rmatches(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>;
    fn rmatch_indices(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &'a str)>;
    fn trim_right_matches(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> &'a str;

    // The following requires the Pattern's Searcher to additionally be constrained by `DoubleEndedSearcher`
    fn trim_matches(&'a self, pat: impl Pattern<'a>) -> &'a str;

Using the result from the SearchStep stream, the Pattern API can be used to implement the above string methods.

While the pattern-to-searcher conversion is beneficial when searching the entire haystack, it is often wasteful in simple functions like starts_with and ends_with (a sub-slice equality check is optimal). Therefore, the specialized methods like Pattern::is_prefix_of are provided.


The Pattern API in Rust only supports searching a string. An attempt to evolve this to arbitrary haystack type can be found in the repository Kimundi/pattern_api_sketch.

trait Pattern<H: SearchPtrs>: Sized {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H>;
    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: H) -> Self::Searcher;

unsafe trait Searcher<H: SearchPtrs> {
    fn haystack(&self) -> H::Haystack;
    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(H::Cursor, H::Cursor)>;
    fn next_reject(&mut self) -> Option<(H::Cursor, H::Cursor)>;

The most obvious change is to replace all &'a str by an arbitrary type H. The type still needs to "behave like a string" though, thus the SearchPtrs bound, which will be used to turn a pair of cursors (equivalent to byte offsets) into a "substring" of the haystack for the split and match methods.

trait SearchPtrs { // e.g. implemented for &str
    type Haystack: Copy; // e.g. (*const u8, *const u8)
    type Cursor: Copy; // e.g. *const u8

    unsafe fn offset_from_start(hs: Self::Haystack, begin: Self::Cursor) -> usize;
    unsafe fn range_to_self(hs: Self::Haystack, start: Self::Cursor, end: Self::Cursor) -> Self;
    unsafe fn cursor_at_front(hs: Self::Haystack) -> Self::Cursor;
    unsafe fn cursor_at_back(hs: Self::Haystack) -> Self::Cursor;


The v2.0 API was introduced due to RFC 1309, trying to cover OsStr as well. But other than OsStr support the v2.0 API is essentially the same as the v1.5 API.

trait Pattern<H: PatternHaystack>: Sized {
    type Searcher: Searcher<H>;
    fn into_searcher(self, haystack: H) -> Self::Searcher;

unsafe trait Searcher<H: PatternHaystack> {
    fn haystack(&self) -> H::Haystack;
    fn next_match(&mut self) -> Option<(H::Cursor, H::Cursor)>;
    fn next_reject(&mut self) -> Option<(H::Cursor, H::Cursor)>;

trait PatternHaystack: Sized { // same as SearchPtrs in v1.5
    type Haystack: Copy;
    type Cursor: Copy + Ord;
    type MatchType; // yielded item types from `matches()` and `split()`

    fn into_haystack(self) -> Self::Haystack;
    fn offset_from_front(hs: Self::Haystack, begin: Self::Cursor) -> usize;
    fn cursor_at_front(hs: Self::Haystack) -> Self::Cursor;
    fn cursor_at_back(hs: Self::Haystack) -> Self::Cursor;
    unsafe fn range_to_self(hs: Self::Haystack, start: Self::Cursor, end: Self::Cursor) -> Self::MatchType;
    fn match_type_len(mt: &Self::MatchType) -> usize;


Haskell is perhaps one of the few languages where a generic string matching API is found, since it also has so many string types like Rust 😝, and there isn't an official regex implementation (unlike C++ which won't give insight how a Searcher interface should be designed).

Haskell's regex-base is the base package which provides the type classes for regex matching.

The type class Extract is corresponding to Haystack in this RFC.

class Extract source where
    empty :: source
    before :: Int -> source -> source
    after :: Int -> source -> source
// equivalent meaning in terms of Rust.
trait Extract: Sized {
    fn empty() -> Self;
    fn before(self, index: usize) -> Self;
    fn after(self, index: usize) -> Self;

The type class RegexLike is corresponding to Searcher in this RFC.

class (Extract source) => RegexLike regex source where
    matchOnceText :: regex -> source -> Maybe (source, MatchText source, source)
    matchAllText :: regex -> source -> [MatchText source]
    -- the rest are default implementations depending on these two functions.
// equivalent meaning in terms of Rust.
trait RegexLike<Source: Extract>: Sized {
    fn match_once_text(self, source: Source) -> Option<(Source, MatchText<Source>, Source)>;
    fn match_all_text(self, source: Source) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = MatchText<Source>>;
    // ...

Similar to this RFC, the primary search method matchOnceText is trisection-based.

Unlike this RFC, the Extract class is much simpler.

  1. Haskell doesn't have the shared/mutable/owned variant of the same type of string. Therefore it does not need the Hay/Haystack trait separation, and also does not need a dedicated split :: Int -> source -> (source, source) method.
  2. Haskell's strings do not enforce a particular encoding on its string types, thus next_index and prev_index become simply (+ 1) and (− 1).
  3. The Extract class only supports indexing using an integer, so start_index must be 0. end_index is also not needed since before and after (the slicing operations) will automatically clamp the index.

Unresolved questions

  • Currently, due to RFC 2089 and/or 2289 not being implemented, using a Haystack in any algorithm would need to a redundant where clause:

    fn starts_with<H, P>(haystack: H, needle: P) -> bool
        H: Haystack,
        P: Needle<H>,
        H::Target: Hay, // <-- this line
    { ... }

    This RFC assumes that before stabilizing, either RFC should have been implemented.

  • For simplicity the prototype implementation fallbacks to the "naive search algorithm" when T: !Ord by always factorizing the needle arr into arr[..1] ++ arr[1..]. It is not proven that this is equivalent to the "naive search", though unit testing does suggest this works.

    As mentioned in the RFC, there are faster algorithms for searching a T: !Ord slice. It is not decided if we should complicate the standard library to support this though.

  • We could represent SharedHaystack using a more general concept of "cheaply cloneable":

    pub trait ShallowClone: Clone {}
    impl<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> ShallowClone for &'a T {}
    impl<T: ?Sized> ShallowClone for Rc<T> {}
    impl<T: ?Sized> ShallowClone for Arc<T> {}

    and all H: SharedHaystack bound can be replaced by H: Haystack + ShallowClone. But this generalization brings more questions e.g. should [u32; N]: ShallowClone. This should be better left to a new RFC, and since SharedHaystack is mainly used for the core type &A only, we could keep SharedHaystack unstable longer (a separate track from the main Needle API) until this question is resolved.

  • With a benefit of simplified API, we may want to merge Consumer and Searcher into a single trait.