
Preventing overlapping implementations of a trait makes complete sense in the context of determining method dispatch. There must not be ambiguity in what code will actually be run for a given type. However, for marker traits, there are no associated methods for which to indicate ambiguity. There is no harm in a type being marked as Sync for multiple reasons.


This is purely to improve the ergonomics of adding/implementing marker traits. While specialization will certainly make all cases not covered today possible, removing the restriction entirely will improve the ergonomics in several edge cases.

Some examples include:

  • the coercible trait design presents at RFC #91;
  • the ExnSafe trait proposed in RFC #1236.

Detailed design

For the purpose of this RFC, the definition of a marker trait is a trait with no associated items. The design here is quite straightforward. The following code fails to compile today:

trait Marker<A> {}

struct GenericThing<A, B> {
    a: A,
    b: B,

impl<A, B> Marker<GenericThing<A, B>> for A {}
impl<A, B> Marker<GenericThing<A, B>> for B {}

The two impls are considered overlapping, as there is no way to prove currently that A and B are not the same type. However, in the case of marker traits, there is no actual reason that they couldn't be overlapping, as no code could actually change based on the impl.

For a concrete use case, consider some setup like the following:

trait QuerySource {
    fn select<T, C: Selectable<T, Self>>(&self, columns: C) -> SelectSource<C, Self> {

trait Column<T> {}
trait Table: QuerySource {}
trait Selectable<T, QS: QuerySource>: Column<T> {}

impl<T: Table, C: Column<T>> Selectable<T, T> for C {}

However, when the following becomes introduced:

struct JoinSource<Left, Right> {
    left: Left,
    right: Right,

impl<Left, Right> QuerySource for JoinSource<Left, Right> where
    Left: Table + JoinTo<Right>,
    Right: Table,

It becomes impossible to satisfy the requirements of select. The following impl is disallowed today:

impl<Left, Right, C> Selectable<Left, JoinSource<Left, Right>> for C where
    Left: Table + JoinTo<Right>,
    Right: Table,
    C: Column<Left>,

impl<Left, Right, C> Selectable<Right, JoinSource<Left, Right>> for C where
    Left: Table + JoinTo<Right>,
    Right: Table,
    C: Column<Right>,

Since Left and Right might be the same type, this causes an overlap. However, there's also no reason to forbid the overlap. There is no way to work around this today. Even if you write an impl that is more specific about the tables, that would be considered a non-crate local blanket implementation. The only way to write it today is to specify each column individually.


With this change, adding any methods to an existing marker trait, even defaulted, would be a breaking change. Once specialization lands, this could probably be considered an acceptable breakage.


If the lattice rule for specialization is eventually accepted, there does not appear to be a case that is impossible to write, albeit with some additional boilerplate, as you'll have to manually specify the empty impl for any overlap that might occur.

Unresolved questions

How can we implement this design? Simply lifting the coherence restrictions is easy enough, but we will encounter some challenges when we come to test whether a given trait impl holds. For example, if we have something like:

impl<T:Send> MarkerTrait for T { }
impl<T:Sync> MarkerTrait for T { }

means that a type Foo: MarkerTrait can hold either by Foo: Send or by Foo: Sync. Today, we prefer to break down an obligation like Foo: MarkerTrait into component obligations (e.g., Foo: Send). Due to coherence, there is always one best way to do this (sort of --- where clauses complicate matters). That is, except for complications due to type inference, there is a best impl to choose. But under this proposal, there would not be. Experimentation is needed (similar concerns arise with the proposals around specialization, so it may be that progress on that front will answer the questions raised here).

Should we add some explicit way to indicate that this is a marker trait? This would address the drawback that adding items is a backwards incompatible change.