Note: This feature was stabilized in Rust 1.64. Several design changes were made in the course of the implementation. Please see the documentation for [workspace.package] and [workspace.dependencies] for details on how to use this feature.


Deduplicate common dependency and metadata directives amongst a set of workspace crates in Cargo with extensions to the [workspace] section in Cargo.toml.


Cargo has supported workspaces for quite some time now but when managing a large workspace there is often a good deal of redundancy between member crates in a workspace. Currently this proposal attempts to tackle a few major areas of duplication. Many of these areas of duplication are managed either manually or with scripts, and the goal of this proposal is to largely eliminate the need for scripts and also the need to manually manage so much.

Duplication of [dependencies] sections

Often when managing a workspace you'll have a lot of crates that all depend on the same crate. For example many of your crates may depend on log. Today you must write down the same log directive in all your manifests:

log = "0.3.1"

Depending on how many crates you're working on, that's a lot of times to remember 0.3.1! Additionally if you'd like to update this dependency, say if a 1.0.0 release is made, you need to edit every single Cargo.toml to make sure they all stay in sync. This is a lot of duplicated work!

This duplication gets even worse when you start modifying the features of each crate. For example:

log = { version = "0.3.1", features = ['release_max_level_warn'] }

If you wanted to consistently write this across many crates it can get quite cumbersome quite quickly.

Duplication in inter-dependent crates

When managing a workspace you'll often have a lot workspace members that all depend on each other. The "blessed" way to do this is actually quite verbose:

other-workspace-member = { path = "../other-member", version = "0.2.3" }

Here you need to specify both path and version. Using path means that you're depending on exactly that copy on the local filesystem. This also means that if you depend on any workspace member via a git dependency later on it'll correctly pull in the other workspace members from the git repo. (note that some projects use [patch] to only write down other-workspace-member = "0.2.3" but this causes issues when crates later use git dependencies)

If you never publish to, path is all you need. If crates eventually get published, though, they also need a version directive to know what version from you'll be depending on after the publication.

Naturally, with a highly-interconnected workspace which may be relatively large, this leads to a lot of duplication very quickly. This is a lot of path and version directives that you've got to manage.

Duplication in crate versions

A frequent pattern in Cargo workspaces which publish to is to have all the crate at the same semver version. These crates all move in lockstep during publication and get bumped at the same time.

While a minor papercut this basically means that anyone and everyone who has a workspace of a lot of crates makes their own homebrew script for updating versions and managing updates/publications. It'd be quite convenient if we could standardize across the Rust ecosystem how to manage this information!

Duplication in crate metadata

The last primary area of duplication that this proposal attempts to tackle is in crate metadata in the [package] section. This includes items such as:

authors = []
license = "..."
repository = "..."
documentation = "..."

These metadata directives are often duplicated amongst all crates, especially author/license/repository information. This is a pretty poor experience if you'e got to keep writing down the information in so many places!

Guide-level explanation

Cargo's manifest parsing will be updated with new features to support deduplicating each of the areas above. While all of these new features are pretty small in their own right, they all add up to greatly reducing the overhead of managing a workspace of many crates. The list of new features in Cargo will look like the following:

Workspace-level Dependencies

The [workspace] section can now have a dependencies section which works the same way as the [dependencies] section in Cargo.toml:

# in workspace's Cargo.toml
log = "0.3.1"
log2 = { version = "2.0.0", package = "log" }
serde = { git = '' }
wasm-bindgen-cli = { path = "crates/cli" }

Each workspace member can then reference this section in the workspace with a new dependency directive:

# in a workspace member's Cargo.toml
log = { workspace = true }

This directive indicates that the log dependency should be looked up from workspace.dependencies in the workspace root. You can reference any name defined in [workspace.dependencies] too:

log2 = { workspace = true }

No longer need both version and path to publish to

When you have a path dependency, Cargo's current behavior on publication looks like this:

  • If you have a version specifier as well, then the path key is deleted and the crate is uploaded with the specified version as a dependency requirement.
  • If you don't have a version specifier, then the dependency directive is deleted and will not learn about this dependency. This is only really useful for dev-dependencies.

Cargo's behavior will change in this second case, instead following new logic for a missing version specifier. For dev-dependencies where the referenced package is publish = false, then the dependency will be dropped. Otherwise Cargo will assume that version = "$dependency_version" was specified, meaning that it requires at least the current version and otherwise any semver-compatible version.

This behavior should mean that you no longer need to write version = "..." with path dependencies if you publish to Coupled with the workspace-level dependencies above this means you never have to write the version of a path dependency anywhere!

Package metadata can reference other workspace members

To deduplicate [package] directives in Cargo.toml workspace members, Cargo will now support declaring that metadata directives should be inherited from the workspace. For example to version every package the same within a workspace you can specify:

name = "foo"
version = { workspace = true }

This directive tells Cargo that the version of foo is the same as the workspace.version directive found in the workspace manifest. This means that in addition to a new [workspace.dependencies] section, package metadata keys can now also be defined inside of a [workspace] section:

version = "0.25.2"

Many other package metadata attributes are supported as well

authors = { workspace = true }
license = { workspace = true }

Reference-level explanation

Cargo's [workspace] section will first be extended with a few new attributes. Like before the [workspace] table can only appear in a workspace root, not in any other manifests. Additionally the [workspace] table doesn't have to be associated with a package, it could be part of a virtual manifest.

Updates to [workspace]

The first addition to the [workspace] table is a dependencies sub-table, like so:

foo = "0.1"

The dependencies sub-table has the same form as the [dependencies] table in manifests with a few exceptions:

  • Dependencies cannot be declared as optional. The optional key must be omitted or, if present, must be false.
  • The workspace key (defined later in this proposal) is not allowed.

The [workspace] table will not support other kinds of dependencies like dev-dependencies, build-dependencies, or target."...".dependencies. Only [workspace.dependencies] will be supported.

To review, the [workspace.dependencies] table will be key/value pairs. Each key is the name of a dependency while the dependency is a dependency directive. This could be a string meaning a dependency or a table which further configures the dependency.

Dependencies declared in [workspace.dependencies] have no meaning as-is. They do not affect the build nor do they force packages to depend on those dependencies. This part comes later below.

The [workspace] section will also allow the definition of a number of keys also defined in [package] today, namely:

version = "1.2.3"
authors = ["Nice Folks"]
description = "..."
documentation = ""
readme = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "MIT"
license-file = "./LICENSE"
keywords = ["cli"]
categories = ["development-tools"]
publish = false
edition = "2018"

# ...

Each of these keys have no meaning in a [workspace] table yet, but will have meaning when they're assigned to crates internally. That part comes later though in this design! Note that the format and accepted values for these keys are the same as the [package] section of Cargo.toml.

For now the metadata key is explicitly left out (due to complications around merging table values), but it can always be added in the future if necessary.

Updates to a package Cargo.toml

The interpretation of a Cargo.toml manifest within Cargo will now require a Workspace object to be created. This Workspace will be used to elaborate and expand each member's Cargo.toml directive. Additionally Cargo.toml will syntactically accept some more forms.

Placeholder Values

Previously package metadata values must be declared explicitly in each Cargo.toml:

version = "1.2.3"

Cargo will now accept a table definition of package.$key which defines the package.$key.workspace key as a boolean. For example you can specify:

name = "foo"
license = { workspace = true }

This directive indicates that the license of foo is the same as workspace.license. If workspace.license isn't defined then this generates an error.

The following keys in [package] can be inherited from [workspace] with the new workspace = true directive.

version = { workspace = true }
authors = { workspace = true }
description = { workspace = true }
documentation = { workspace = true }
readme = { workspace = true }
homepage = { workspace = true }
repository = { workspace = true }
license = { workspace = true }
license-file = { workspace = true }
keywords = { workspace = true }
categories = { workspace = true }
publish = { workspace = true }

Note that directives like license-file are resolved relative to their definition, so license-file is relative to the [workspace] section that defined it.

New dependency directives

Dependencies in the [dependencies], [dev-dependencies], [build-dependencies], and [target."...".dependencies] sections will support the ability to reference the [workspace.dependencies] definition of dependencies. This is done with a new workspace key in the dependency directive. An example of this looks like:

log = { workspace = true }

The workspace key cannot be defined with other keys that configure the source of the dependency. This means you cannot define workspace with keys like version, registry, registry-index, path, git, branch, tag, rev, or package. The workspace key can be combined with other keys, however:

  • optional - this introduces an optional dependency as usual, as well as a feature named after the key (left hand side) of the dependency directive). Note that the [workspace.dependencies] table is not allowed to specify optional.

  • features - this indicates, as usual, that extra features are being enabled over the already-enabled features in the directive found in [workspace.dependencies]. The result set of enabled features is the union of the features specified inline with the features specified in the directive in the workspace table.

For now if a workspace = true dependency is specified then also specifying the default-features value is disallowed. The default-features value for a directive is inherited from the [workspace.dependencies] declaration, which defaults to true if nothing else is specified.

Path dependencies infer version directive

As a final change to Cargo.toml, dependencies using the path directive and not specifying a version directive will have the version directive inferred.

For example if we have:

# foo/Cargo.toml
bar = { path = "../bar" }

as well as

# bar/Cargo.toml
name = "bar"
version = "1.0.1"

this is equivalent in foo/Cargo.toml to as if this were written:

# foo/Cargo.toml
bar = { path = "../bar", version = "1.0.1" }

The version key for path dependencies, if not specified, will be inferred to the version of the path dependency itself. Note that this is a version requirement not an actual semver version, and the version requirement will be interpreted as "at least the current version, and anything semver compatible with it".

This logic of inferring, however, will also respect the publish key. For example if we had this instead:

# bar/Cargo.toml
name = "bar"
version = "1.0.1"
publish = false

then Cargo would not alter this dependency directive:

# foo/Cargo.toml
bar = { path = "../bar" }

Effect on cargo publish

Cargo currently already "elaborates" the manifest during publication. For example it removes path keys in dependency lists to only have the version requirement pointing to During publication Cargo will also elaborate any substituted information from the [workspace], because [workspace] is also removed during publication!

This means that workspace = true will never be present in Cargo.toml files published to, and additionally no information about workspace = true will make its way to the registry index. Furthermore metadata fields like package.repository will be filled in and will be present on's UI.

Put another way, Cargo.toml files published to, or metadata found through, won't change from what they are today.

Effect on Cargo.lock

When creating a Cargo.lock file Cargo will perform crate resolution as-if all dependencies in [workspace.dependencies] are depended on by some crate, even if no crate actually references an entry in [workspace.dependencies]. This means that if a crate uses an entry in [workspace.dependencies] it's guaranteed to have an entry in the lock file indicating what its dependencies should be.

Note that for entries in [workspace.dependencies] which aren't used by any crates in the workspace will likely trigger a warning, however, so users can continue to prune accidentally unused entries.

Effect on cargo metadata

Executing cargo metadata to learn about a crate graph will implicitly perform all substitution defined in this proposal. Consumers of cargo metadata will continue to get the same output they got before this proposal, meaning that implicit substitutions, if any, will be invisible to users of cargo metadata.

Effect on cargo read-manifest

Similar to cargo metadata, the cargo read-manifest command will perform all necessary substitutions when presenting the output as JSON.

Effect resolution for relative path dependencies

Like today, path dependencies will be resolved relative to the file that defines them. This means that references to dependencies defined in the workspace means paths are still relative to the workspace root itself.

For example if you write down a [workspace.dependencies] directive with a relative path:

# Cargo.toml
my-crate = { path = "crates/my-crate" }

And then you reference this in another crate:

# crates/other-crate/Cargo.toml
my-crate = { workspace = true }

then the my-crate dependency references the crate located at crates/my-crate relative to the workspace root, not located at crates/other-crate/crates/my-crate.


This proposal significantly complicates the process of interpreting a Cargo.toml. One of the major purposes of using TOML to specify a crate manifest was to make it easy for other tools to parse Cargo manifests and work with them. This not only includes Rust-based tools but also tools in other languages if necessary. Previously a TOML parser for your language was all you really needed, but this proposal is adding a layer of indirection on top of TOML where you have to interpret multiple manifests to figure out what one means. For example you can no longer quickly and easily be guaranteed to parse the version of a package, but you might have to go find the workspace root or other crates to figure that out. Workspace discovery and membership is pretty nontrivial so non-Cargo based tools will have a difficult time not using Cargo to figure out a full elaborated form of a manifest 100% of the time.

This proposal also extends Cargo.toml with changes that will break any existing tools which assume a particular format of Cargo.toml. For example if a tool expects package.version to be a String that runs a risk of being broken in the future due to the ability to specify a table there instead.

Additionally this proposal complicates a reader's understanding of Cargo.toml. While verbose for maintainers having duplication of information is actually quite nice for readers of Cargo.toml because you don't have to chase anything else down to figure out what a dependency is. If this proposal is implemented then whenever you see foo = { workspace = true } you've got to go consult something else to figure out what the dependency actually is. This layer of indirection can cause surprise for readers or otherwise add a speed-bump to understanding the contents of a manifest.

Rationale and alternatives

Cargo's manifests have been a pretty carefully curated part of Cargo's design to ensure that they're consistently readable and concise where possible. For example many of Cargo's manifest idioms gently nudge users towards the same standards across the community by supporting many zero-configuration situations such as where to put and how to name tests.

This proposal is an extension of these design principles to provide a gentle nudge to consistently, across the Rust community, manage workspaces, dependencies, and metadata. A goal here is to increase consistency in how this is all managed across projects in a way that still preserves Cargo's existing flexibility for users.

Note that flexibility is a key part of this proposal where it's possible to intermingle shorthands with longer versions. For example if the workspace declares:

log = "0.3"

But you really want to try out a new version of log in one workspace member, you can easily do so by changing

log = { workspace = true }


log = "0.4"

Additionally you can always custom-version your packages, you've just got the option to reference another package as well. Overall this proposal should empower more power users of Cargo to manage workspaces easily without taking away any of the existing configurations that Cargo already supports.

Alternative Syntax

This proposal is largely a syntactic proposal for Cargo.toml and changing how we can specify a few directives. Naturally that lends itself to quite a lot of possible bikeshedding! Virtually all of the aspects of the proposal that modify Cargo.toml can be tweaked in various ways such as names used or where they're placed. In any case discussion about compelling alternatives is always encouraged!

Some alternative syntaxes:

# Instead of `foo = { workspace = true }`
foo = {}
foo = "ws"
foo = "workspace"
foo.workspace = true # technically the same, but idiomatically different

Including metadata by default

This proposal indicates that package metadata is not inherited by default from the workspace. This may be desired in some scenarios instead of repeating license = { workspace = true } everywhere, and there's likely two possible ways this could happen.

  • Workspace directives could be implicitly and automatically inherited to members. In the future, however, Cargo will want to support nested workspaces, and it's unclear how these features will interact. In order to strik a reasonable middle-ground for now a simple solution which should address many use cases is proposed and we can continue to refine this over time as necessary.

  • Directives could be flagged to be explicitly inherited to workspace members as an optional way of specifying this. For now though to keep this proposal simple this is left out as a possible future extension of Cargo.

Inheriting metadata from other packages

One possible extension of this RFC is for metadata to not only be inheritable from the [workspace] table but also from other packages. For example a scenario seen in the wild is that some repositories have multiple "cliques" of crates which are all versioned as a unit. In this scenario one "clique" can have its version directives deduplicated with this proposal, but not multiple ones.

It's hoped though that an eventual feature of nested workspaces would solve this issue in Cargo. That way each "clique" could correspond to one workspace, and that way we wouldn't need extra support to inherit directives from anywhere.

Motivating issues

Duplication throughout workspaces has been a thorn in Cargo's since practically since the inception of workspaces. Naturally there's quite a few bugs filed on Cargo's issue tracker about this which provide some context for why make a proposal at all as well as how to design this proposal.

  • #3931 - updating the version of a crate in a workspace means lots of edits
  • #7552 - crates may differ slightly in versions required from
  • #7964 - current idioms push users towards usage of [patch] which breaks git dependencies
  • #5471 - an issue about shared dependencies in a workspace
  • #6126 - an issue where [patch] tables are used seemingly to make it easier to specify dependencies in a workspace, but having everything in [workspace.dependencies] makes it smaller to specify.
  • #6828 - an issue about inheriting workspace attributes

Full templating language

One sort of far-out-there alternative we could go for is to be far more ambitious and make our own sort of "templating language" on top of TOML. This would arguably be much more flexible than the limited amount of deduplication proposed here, but you could imagine things like:

name = "foo"
version = "1.{workspace.vars.minor}.0"

bar = "{}"
baz = { version = "1", features = "{workspace.vars.baz_features}" }

or "insert your own idea for how we can go all out" here. In general though I think there's a lot to be gained from the simplicity of TOML and prioritizing other tools reading Cargo manifests, so we may not want to go full-blown templating language just yet.

Unresolved questions

  • One thing we'll want to resolve for sure is nailing down all the syntactical decision here, which is expected to evolve through consensus.

  • It's not clear how complex an implementation of this proposal will be in Cargo. It could be prohibitively complex, but it's hoped that it's a relatively simple refactoring to implement this in Cargo.