
This RFC introduces the #[non_exhaustive] attribute for enums and structs, which indicates that more variants/fields may be added to an enum/struct in the future.

Adding this hint to enums will force downstream crates to add a wildcard arm to match statements, ensuring that adding new variants is not a breaking change.

Adding this hint to structs or enum variants will prevent downstream crates from constructing or exhaustively matching, to ensure that adding new fields is not a breaking change.

This is a post-1.0 version of RFC 757, with some additions.



The most common use for non-exhaustive enums is error types. Because adding features to a crate may result in different possibilities for errors, it makes sense that more types of errors will be added in the future.

For example, the rustdoc for std::io::ErrorKind shows:

pub enum ErrorKind {
    // some variants omitted

Because the standard library continues to grow, it makes sense to eventually add more error types. However, this can be a breaking change if we're not careful; let's say that a user does a match statement like this:

use std::io::ErrorKind::*;

match error_kind {
    NotFound => ...,
    PermissionDenied => ...,
    ConnectionRefused => ...,
    ConnectionReset => ...,
    ConnectionAborted => ...,
    NotConnected => ...,
    AddrInUse => ...,
    AddrNotAvailable => ...,
    BrokenPipe => ...,
    AlreadyExists => ...,
    WouldBlock => ...,
    InvalidInput => ...,
    InvalidData => ...,
    TimedOut => ...,
    WriteZero => ...,
    Interrupted => ...,
    Other => ...,
    UnexpectedEof => ...,

If we were to add another variant to this enum, this match would fail, requiring an additional arm to handle the extra case. But, if force users to add an arm like so:

match error_kind {
    // ...
    _ => ...,

Then we can add as many variants as we want without breaking any downstream matches.

How we do this today

We force users add this arm for std::io::ErrorKind by adding a hidden variant:

#[unstable(feature = "io_error_internals",
           reason = "better expressed through extensible enums that this \
                     enum cannot be exhaustively matched against",
           issue = "0")]

Because this feature doesn't show up in the docs, and doesn't work in stable rust, we can safely assume that users won't use it.

A lot of crates take advantage of #[doc(hidden)] variants to tell users that they should add a wildcard branch to matches. However, the standard library takes this trick further by making the variant unstable, ensuring that it cannot be used in stable Rust. Outside the standard library, here's a look at diesel::result::Error:

pub enum Error {

Even though the variant is hidden in the rustdoc, there's nothing actually stopping a user from using the __Nonexhaustive variant. This code works totally fine, for example:

use diesel::Error::*;
match error {
    InvalidCString(..) => ...,
    DatabaseError(..) => ...,
    NotFound => ...,
    QueryBuilderError(..) => ...,
    DeserializationError(..) => ...,
    __Nonexhaustive => ...,

This seems unintended, even though this is currently the best way to make non-exhaustive enums outside the standard library. In fact, even the standard library remarks that this is a hack. Recall the hidden variant for std::io::ErrorKind:

#[unstable(feature = "io_error_internals",
           reason = "better expressed through extensible enums that this \
                     enum cannot be exhaustively matched against",
           issue = "0")]

Using #[doc(hidden)] will forever feel like a hack to fix this problem. Additionally, while plenty of crates could benefit from the idea of non-exhaustiveness, plenty don't because this isn't documented in the Rust book, and only documented elsewhere as a hack until a better solution is proposed.

Opportunity for optimisation

Currently, the #[doc(hidden)] hack leads to a few missed opportunities for optimisation. For example, take this enum:

pub enum Error {

Currently, this enum takes up the same amount of space as String because of the non-zero optimisation. If we add our non-exhaustive variant:

pub enum Error {

Then this enum needs an extra bit to distinguish Other and __Nonexhaustive, which is ultimately never used. This will likely add an extra 8 bytes on a 64-bit system to ensure alignment.

More importantly, take the following code:

use Error::*;
match error {
    Message(ref s) => /* lots of code */,
    Other => /* lots of code */,
    _ => /* lots of code */,

As a human, we can determine that the wildcard match is dead code and can be removed from the binary. Unfortunately, Rust can't make this distinction because we could still technically use that wildcard branch.

Although these options will unlikely matter in this example because error-handling code (hopefully) shouldn't run very often, it could matter for other use cases.


The most common use for non-exhaustive structs is config types. It often makes sense to make fields public for ease-of-use, although this can ultimately lead to breaking changes if we're not careful.

For example, take this config struct:

pub struct Config {
    pub window_width: u16,
    pub window_height: u16,

As this configuration struct gets larger, it makes sense that more fields will be added. In the future, the crate may decide to add more public fields, or some private fields. For example, let's assume we make the following addition:

pub struct Config {
    pub window_width: u16,
    pub window_height: u16,
    pub is_fullscreen: bool,

Now, code that constructs the struct, like below, will fail to compile:

let config = Config { window_width: 640, window_height: 480 };

And code that matches the struct, like below, will also fail to compile:

if let Ok(Config { window_width, window_height }) = load_config() {
    // ...

Adding this new setting is now a breaking change! To rectify this, we could always add a private field:

pub struct Config {
    pub window_width: u16,
    pub window_height: u16,
    pub is_fullscreen: bool,
    non_exhaustive: (),

But this makes it more difficult for the crate itself to construct Config, because you have to add a non_exhaustive: () field every time you make a new value.

Other kinds of structs

Because enum variants are kind of like a struct, any change we make to structs should apply to them too. Additionally, any change should apply to tuple structs as well.

Detailed design

An attribute #[non_exhaustive] is added to the language, which will (for now) fail to compile if it's used on anything other than an enum or struct definition, or enum variant.


Within the crate that defines the enum, this attribute is essentially ignored, so that the current crate can continue to exhaustively match the enum. The justification for this is that any changes to the enum will likely result in more changes to the rest of the crate. Consider this example:

use std::error::Error as StdError;

pub enum Error {
impl StdError for Error {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            Message(ref s) => s,
            Other => "other or unknown error",

It seems undesirable for the crate author to use a wildcard arm here, to ensure that an appropriate description is given for every variant. In fact, if they use a wildcard arm in addition to the existing variants, it should be identified as dead code, because it will never be run.

Outside the crate that defines the enum, users should be required to add a wildcard arm to ensure forward-compatibility, like so:

use mycrate::Error;

match error {
    Message(ref s) => ...,
    Other => ...,
    _ => ...,

And it should not be marked as dead code, even if the compiler does mark it as dead and remove it.

Note that this can potentially cause breaking changes if a user adds #[deny(dead_code)] to a match statement and the upstream crate removes the #[non_exhaustive] lint. That said, modifying warn-only lints is generally assumed to not be a breaking change, even though users can make it a breaking change by manually denying lints.


Like with enums, the attribute is essentially ignored in the crate that defines the struct, so that users can continue to construct values for the struct. However, this will prevent downstream users from constructing or exhaustively matching the struct, because fields may be added to the struct in the future.

Additionally, adding #[non_exhaustive] to an enum variant will operate exactly the same as if the variant were a struct.

Using our Config again:

pub struct Config {
    pub window_width: u16,
    pub window_height: u16,

We can still construct our config within the defining crate like so:

let config = Config { window_width: 640, window_height: 480 };

And we can even exhaustively match on it, like so:

if let Ok(Config { window_width, window_height }) = load_config() {
    // ...

But users outside the crate won't be able to construct their own values, because otherwise, adding extra fields would be a breaking change.

Users can still match on Configs non-exhaustively, as usual:

let &Config { window_width, window_height, .. } = config;

But without the .., this code will fail to compile.

Although it should not be explicitly forbidden by the language to mark a struct with some private fields as non-exhaustive, it should emit a warning to tell the user that the attribute has no effect.

Tuple structs

Non-exhaustive tuple structs will operate similarly to structs, however, will disallow matching directly. For example, take this example on stable today:

pub Config(pub u16, pub u16, ());

The below code does not work, because you can't match tuple structs with private fields:

let Config(width, height, ..) = config;

However, this code does work:

let Config { 0: width, 1: height, .. } = config;

So, if we label a struct non-exhaustive:

pub Config(pub u16, pub u16)

Then we the only valid way of matching will be:

let Config { 0: width, 1: height, .. } = config;

We can think of this as lowering the visibility of the constructor to pub(crate) if it is marked as pub, then applying the standard structure rules.

Unit structs

Unit structs will work very similarly to tuple structs. Consider this struct:

pub struct Unit;

We won't be able to construct any values of this struct, but we will be able to match it like:

let Unit { .. } = unit;

Similarly to tuple structs, this will simply lower the visibility of the constructor to pub(crate) if it were marked as pub.

Functional record updates

Functional record updates will operate very similarly to if the struct had an extra, private field. Take this example:

pub struct Config {
    pub width: u16,
    pub height: u16,
    pub fullscreen: bool,
impl Default for Config {
    fn default() -> Config {
        Config { width: 640, height: 480, fullscreen: false }

We'd expect this code to work without the non_exhaustive attribute:

let c = Config { width: 1920, height: 1080, ..Config::default() };
println!("{:?}", c);

Although outside of the defining crate, it will not, because Config could, in the future, contain private fields that the user didn't account for.

Changes to rustdoc

Right now, the only indicator that rustdoc gives for non-exhaustive enums and structs is a comment saying "some variants/fields omitted." This shows up whenever variants or fields are marked as #[doc(hidden)], or when fields are private. rustdoc should continue to emit this message in these cases.

However, after this message (if any), it should offer an additional message saying "more variants/fields may be added in the future," to clarify that the enum/struct is non-exhaustive. It also hints to the user that in the future, they may want to fine-tune any match code for enums to include future variants when they are added.

These two messages should be distinct; the former says "this enum/struct has stuff that you shouldn't see," while the latter says "this enum/struct is incomplete and may be extended in the future."

How We Teach This

Changes to rustdoc should make it easier for users to understand the concept of non-exhaustive enums and structs in the wild.

In the chapter on enums, a section should be added specifically for non-exhaustive enums. Because error types are common in almost all crates, this case is important enough to be taught when a user learns Rust for the first time.

Additionally, non-exhaustive structs should be documented in an early chapter on structs. Public fields should be preferred over getter/setter methods in Rust, although users should be aware that adding extra fields is a potentially breaking change. In this chapter, users should be taught about non-exhaustive enum variants as well.


  • The #[doc(hidden)] hack in practice is usually good enough.
  • An attribute may be more confusing than a dedicated syntax.
  • non_exhaustive may not be the clearest name.


  • Provide a dedicated syntax instead of an attribute. This would likely be done by adding a ... variant or field, as proposed by the original extensible enums RFC.
  • Allow creating private enum variants and/or private fields for enum variants, giving a less-hacky way to create a hidden variant/field.
  • Document the #[doc(hidden)] hack and make it more well-known.

Unresolved questions

It may make sense to have a "not exhaustive enough" lint to non-exhaustive enums or structs, so that users can be warned if they are missing fields or variants despite having a wildcard arm to warn on them.

Although this is beyond the scope of this particular RFC, it may be good as a clippy lint in the future.

Extending to traits

Tangentially, it also makes sense to have non-exhaustive traits as well, even though they'd be non-exhaustive in a different way. Take this example from byteorder:

pub trait ByteOrder: Clone + Copy + Debug + Default + Eq + Hash + Ord + PartialEq + PartialOrd {
   // ...

The ByteOrder trait requires these traits so that a user can simply write a bound of T: ByteOrder without having to add other useful traits, like Hash or Eq.

This trait is useful, but the crate has no intention of letting other users implement this trait themselves, because then adding an additional trait dependency for ByteOrder could be a breaking change.

The way that this crate solves this problem is by adding a hidden trait dependency:

mod private {
    pub trait Sealed {}
    impl Sealed for super::LittleEndian {}
    impl Sealed for super::BigEndian {}

pub trait ByteOrder: /* ... */ + private::Sealed {
    // ...

This way, although downstream crates can use this trait, they cannot actually implement things for this trait.

This pattern could again be solved by using #[non_exhaustive]:

pub trait ByteOrder: /* ... */ {
    // ...

This would indicate to downstream traits that this trait might gain additional requirements (dependent traits or methods to implement), and as such, cannot be implemented downstream.