token scopes RFC


This RFC proposes implementing scopes for tokens, allowing users to choose which endpoints the token is allowed to call and which crates it's allowed to affect.


While the current implementation of API tokens for works fine for developers using the cargo CLI on their workstations, it's not acceptable for CI scenarios, such as publishing crates automatically once a git tag is pushed.

The implementation of scoped tokens would allow users to restrict the actions a token can do, decreasing the risk in case of automation bugs or token compromise.

Guide-level explanation

During token creation, the user will be prompted to select the permissions the token will have. Two sets of independent scopes will be available: the endpoints the token is authorized to call, and the crates the token is allowed to act on.

Endpoint scopes

The user will be able to choose one or more endpoint scopes. This RFC proposes adding the following endpoint scopes:

  • publish-new: allows publishing new crates
  • publish-update: allows publishing a new version for existing crates the user owns
  • yank: allows yanking and unyanking existing versions of the user's crates
  • change-owners: allows inviting new owners or removing existing owners
  • legacy: allows accessing all the endpoints on except for creating new tokens, like tokens created before the implementation of this RFC.

More endpoint scopes might be added in the future without the need of a dedicated RFC.

Tokens created before the implementation of this RFC will default to the legacy scope.

Crates scope

The user will be able to opt into limiting which crates the token can act on by defining a crates scope.

The crates scope can contain a list of crate name patterns the token can interact with. Crate name patterns can either be regular crate names or they can end with a * character to match zero or more characters.

For example, a crate name pattern of lazy_static will only make the token apply to the corresponding crate, while serde* allows the token to act on any present or future crates starting with serde (including serde itself), but only if the user is an owner of those crates.

The crates scope will allow access to all present and future crates matching it. When an endpoint that doesn't interact with crates is called by a token with a crates scope, the crates scope will be ignored and the call will be authorized, unless limited by an endpoint scope (see above).

Tokens created before the implementation of this RFC will default to an empty crate scope filter (equivalent to no restrictions).

Reference-level explanation

Endpoint scopes and crates scope are two completely separate systems, and can be used independently of one another.

Token scopes will be implemented entirely on the side, and there will be no change necessary to cargo or alternate registries.

Endpoint scopes

The scopes proposed by this RFC allow access to the following endpoints:

EndpointRequired scope
PUT /crates/new (new crates)publish-new
PUT /crates/new (existing crates)publish-update
DELETE /crates/:crate_id/:version/yankyank
PUT /crates/:crate_id/:version/unyankyank
PUT /crates/:crate_id/ownerschange-owners
DELETE /crates/:crate_id/ownerschange-owners
everything except PUT /me/tokenslegacy

Removing an endpoint from a scope or adding an existing endpoint to an existing scope will be considered a breaking change. Adding newly created endpoints to an existing scope will be allowed only at the moment of their creation, if the team believes the new endpoint won't grant more privileges than the existing set of endpoints in that scope.

Crates scope

The patterns will be evaluated during each API call, and if no match is found the request will be denied. Because it's evaluated every time, a crates scope will allow interacting with matching crates published after token creation.

The check for the crates scope is separate from crate ownership: having a scope that technically permits to interact with a crate the user doesn't own will be accepted by the backend, but a warning will be displayed if the pattern doesn't match any crate owned by the user.


No drawbacks are known at the time of writing the RFC.

Rationale and alternatives

An alternative implementation for endpoint scopes could be to allow users to directly choose every endpoint they want to allow for their token, without having to choose whole groups at a time. This would result in more granularity and possibly better security, but it would make the UX to create new tokens way more complex (requiring more choices and a knowledge of the API).

An alternative implementation for crate scopes could be to have the user select the crates they want to allow in the UI instead of having to write a pattern. That would make creating a token harder for people with lots of crates (which, in the RFC author's opinion, are more likely to need crate scopes than a person with just a few crates), and it wouldn't allow new crates matching the pattern but uploaded after the token's creation from being accessed.

Finally, an alternative could be to do nothing, and encourage users to create "machine accounts" for each set of crates they own. A drawback of this is that GitHub's terms of service limit how many accounts a single person could have.

Prior art

The endpoint scopes system is heavily inspired by GitHub, while the rest of the proposal is similar to nuget. Here is how popular package registries implements scoping:

  • nuget (package registry for the .NET ecosystem) implements three endpoint scopes (publish new packages, publish new versions, unlist packages), has a mandatory expiration and supports specifying which packages the token applies to, either by checking boxes or defining a single glob pattern. (documentation)
  • npm (package registry for JavaScript) implements a binary "read-only"/"read-write" permission model, also allowing to restrict the IP ranges allowed to access the token, but does not allow restricting the packages a token is allowed to change. (documentation)
  • pypi (package registry for Python) only implements the "upload packages" permission, and allows to scope each token to a single package. (documentation)
  • rubygems (package registry for Ruby) and packagist (package registry for PHP) don't implement any kind of scoping for the API tokens.

Unresolved questions

  • Are there more scopes that would be useful to implement from the start?
  • Is the current behavior of crate scopes on endpoints that don't interact with crates the best, or should a token with crate scopes prevent access to endpoints that don't act on crates?

Future possibilities

A future extension to the authorization model could be adding an optional expiration to tokens, to limit the damage over time if a token ends up being leaked.

Another extension could be an API endpoint that programmatically creates short-lived tokens (similar to what AWS STS does for AWS Access Keys), allowing to develop services that provide tokens with a short expiration time to CI builds. Such tokens would need to have the same set or a subset of the parent token's scopes: this RFC should consider that use case and avoid the implementation of solutions that would make the check hard.

To increase the security of CI environments even more, we could implement an option to require a separate confirmation for the actions executed by tokens. For example, we could send a confirmation email with a link the owners have to click to actually publish the crate uploaded by CI, preventing any malicious action with stolen tokens.

To remove the need for machine accounts, a future RFC could propose adding API tokens owned by teams, granting access to all resources owned by that team and allowing any team member to revoke them.