
Add a dbg!($expr) macro to the prelude (so that it doesn’t need to be imported) that prints its argument with some metadata (source code location and stringification) before returning it.

This is a simpler and more opinionated counter-proposal to RFC 2173.


Sometimes a debugger may not have enough Rust-specific support to introspect some data (such as calling a Rust method), or it may not be convenient to use or available at all. “printf debugging” is possible in today’s Rust with:

println!("{:?}", expr);

This RFC improves some aspects:

  • The "{:?}", part of this line is boilerplate that’s not trivial to remember or even type correctly.
  • If the expression to be inspected is part of a larger expression, it either needs to be duplicated (which may add side-effects or computation cost) or pulled into a let binding which adds to the boilerplate.
  • When more than one expression is printed at different places of the same program, and the formatting itself (for example a plain integer) doesn’t indicate what value is being printed, some distinguishing information may need to be added. For example: println!("foo = {:?}",;

Guide-level explanation

To inspect the value of a given expression at run-time, it can be wrapped in the dbg! macro to print the value to STDERR, along with its source location and source code:

fn foo(n: usize) {
    if let Some(_) = dbg!(n.checked_sub(4)) {


This prints the following to STDERR:

[] n.checked_sub(4) = None

Another example is factorial which we can debug like so:

fn factorial(n: u32) -> u32 {
    if dbg!(n <= 1) {
    } else {
        dbg!(n * factorial(n - 1))

fn main() {

Running this program, in the playground, will print the following to STDERR:

[src/] n <= 1 = false
[src/] n <= 1 = false
[src/] n <= 1 = false
[src/] n <= 1 = true
[src/] 1 = 1
[src/] n * factorial(n - 1) = 2
[src/] n * factorial(n - 1) = 6
[src/] n * factorial(n - 1) = 24
[src/] factorial(4) = 24

Using dbg! requires type of the expression to implement the std::fmt::Debug trait.

Move semantics

The dbg!(x) macro moves the value x and takes ownership of it, unless the type of x implements Copy, and returns x unchanged. If you want to retain ownership of the value, you can instead borrow x with dbg!(&x).

Unstable output format

The exact output printed by this macro should not be relied upon and is subject to future changes.

Reference-level explanation

The macro below is added to src/libstd/, with a doc-comment based on the Guide-level explanation of this RFC.

macro_rules! dbg {
    ($expr:expr) => {
        match $expr {
            expr => {
                // The exact formatting here is not stable and may change in the future.
                eprintln!("[{}:{}] {} = {:#?}", file!(), line!(), stringify!($expr), &expr);

The use of match over let is similar to the implementation of assert_eq!. It affects the lifetimes of temporaries.


Adding to the prelude should be done carefully. However a library can always define another macro with the same name and shadow this one.

Rationale and alternatives

[RFC 2173] and provides an a more complex alternative that offers more control but is also more complex. This RFC was designed with the goal of being a simpler and thus better fit for the standard library.

Alternative: tweaking formatting

Any detail of the formatting can be tweaked. For example, {:#?} or {:?}?

A simple macro without any control over output

This RFC does not offer users control over the exact output being printed. This is because a use of this macro is intended to be run a small number of times before being removed. If more control is desired, for example logging in an app shipped to end users, other options such as println! or the log crate remain available.

Accepting a single expression instead of many

If the macro accepts more than one expression (returning a tuple), there is a question of what to do with a single expression. Returning a one-value tuple ($expr,) is probably unexpected, but not doing so creates a discontinuty in the macro's behavior as things are added. With only one expression accepted, users can still pass a tuple expression or call the macro multiple times.

Including file!() in the output

In a large project with multiple files, it becomes quite difficult to tell what the origin of the output is. Including file!() is therefore quite helpful in debugging. However, it is not very useful on the playground, but that exception is acceptable.

Including the line number

The argument is analogous to that for file!(). For a large file, it would also be difficult to locate the source of the output without line!().

Excluding the column number

Most likely, only one dbg!(expr) call will occur per line. The remaining cases will likely occur when dealing with binary operators such as with: dbg!(x) + dbg!(y) + dbg!(z), or with several arguments to a function / method call. However, since the macro prints out stringify!(expr), the user can clearly see which expression on the line that generated the value. The only exception to this is if the same expression is used multiple times and crucically has side effects altering the value between calls. This scenario is probably uncommon. Furthermore, even in this case, one can visually distinguish between the calls since one is first and the second comes next.

Another reason to exclude column!() is that we want to keep the macro simple, and thus, we only want to keep the essential parts that help debugging most.

However, the column!() isn't very visually disturbing since it uses horizontal screen real-estate but not vertical real-estate, which may still be a good reason to keep it. Nonetheless, this argument is not sufficient to keep column!(), wherefore this RFC will not include it.

Including stringify!(expr)

As discussed in the rationale regarding column!(), stringify!(expr) improves the legibility of similar looking expressions.

Another major motivation is that with many outputs, or without all of the source code in short term memory, it can become hard to associate the printed output with the logic as you wrote it. With stringify!, you can easily see how the left-hand side reduces to the right-hand side. This makes it easier to reason about the trace of your program and why things happened as they did. The ability to trace effectively can greatly improve the ability to debug with ease and speed.

Returning the value that was given

One goal of the macro is to intrude and disturb as little as possible in the workflow of the user. The macro should fit the user, not the other way around. Returning the value that was given, i.e: that dbg!(expr) == expr and typeof(expr) == typeof(dbg!(expr)) allows just that.

To see how writing flow is preserved, consider starting off with:

let c = fun(a) + fun(b);
let y = self.first().second();

Now, you want to inspect what fun(a) and fun(b) evaluates to. But you would like to avoid going through the hassle of:

  1. saving fun(a) and fun(b) to a variable
  2. printing out the variable
  3. using it in the expression as let c = fa + fb;.

The same logic applies to inspecting the temporary state of self.first(). Instead of the hassle, you can simply do:

let c = dbg!(fun(a)) + dbg!(fun(b));
let y = dbg!(self.first()).second();

This modification is considerably smaller and disturbs flow while debugging code to a lesser degree.

Keeping output when cfg!(debug_assertions) is disabled

When cfg!(debug_assertions) is false, printing could be disabled to reduce runtime cost in release builds. However this cost is not relevant if uses of dbg! are removed before shipping to production, where crates such as log may be better suited, and deemed less important than the ability to easily investigate bugs that only occur with optimizations. These kinds of bugs do happen and can be a pain to debug.

STDERR should be used over STDOUT as the output stream

The messages printed using dbg! are not usually errors, which is one reason to use STDOUT instead. However, STDERR is often used as a second channel for extra messages. This use of STDERR often occurs when STDOUT carries some data which you can't mix with random messages.

If we consider a program such as ripgrep, where should hypothetical uses of dbg! print to in the case of rg some_word < input_file > matching_lines? Should they end up on the terminal or in the file matching_lines? Clearly the former is correct in this case.

Outputting lit = lit for dbg!(lit); instead of lit

The left hand side of the equality adds no new information wherefore it might be a redundant annoyance. On the other hand, it may give a sense of symmetry with the non-literal forms such as a = 42. Keeping 5 = 5 is also more consistent. In either case, since the macro is intentionally simple, there is little room for tweaks such as removing lit = . For these reasons, and especially the last one, the output format lit = lit is used.

Prior art

Many languages have a construct that can be as terse as print foo.

Some examples are:

The specific idea to return back the input expr in dbg!(expr) was inspired by traceShowId in Haskell.

Unresolved questions

Unbounded bikeshedding.