• Feature Name: type_changing_struct_update_syntax
  • Start Date: 2018-08-22
  • RFC PR: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2528
  • Rust Issue: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/86555


Extend struct update syntax (a.k.a. functional record update (FRU)) to support instances of the same struct that have different types due to generic type or lifetime parameters. Fields of different types must be explicitly listed in the struct constructor, but fields of the same name and same type can be moved with struct update syntax.

This will make the following possible. In this example, base and updated are both instances of Foo but have different types because the generic parameter T is different. Struct update syntax is supported for field2 because it has the same type i32 in both base and updated:

struct Foo<T, U> {
    field1: T,
    field2: U,

let base: Foo<String, i32> = Foo {
    field1: String::from("hello"),
    field2: 1234,
let updated: Foo<f64, i32> = Foo {
    field1: 3.14,


In today's Rust, struct update syntax is a convenient way to change a small number of fields from a base instance as long as the updated instance is a subtype of the base (i.e. the exact same type except lifetimes). However, this is unnecessarily restrictive. A common pattern for implementing type-checked state machines in Rust is to handle the state as a generic type parameter. For example:

struct Machine<S> {
    state: S,
    common_field1: &'static str,
    common_field2: i32,

struct State1;
struct State2;

impl Machine<State1> {
    fn into_state2(self) -> Machine<State2> {
        // do stuff
        Machine {
            state: State2,
            common_field1: self.common_field1,
            common_field2: self.common_field2,

It would be much more convenient to be able to write

Machine {
    state: State2,

instead of

Machine {
    state: State2,
    common_field1: self.common_field1,
    common_field2: self.common_field2,

but this is not possible in current Rust because Machine<State1> and Machine<State2> are different types even though they are both the Machine struct.

Guide-level explanation

It's often useful to create a new instance of a struct that uses most of an old instance's values but changes some. You can do this using struct update syntax.

Consider a User type that can be in either the LoggedIn state or the LoggedOut state and has a few additional fields describing the properties of the user.

struct User<S> {
    state: S,
    email: String,
    username: String,

struct LoggedIn;
struct LoggedOut;

Let's say we have a logged-out user:

let logged_out = User {
    state: LoggedOut,
    email: String::from("ferris@example.com"),
    username: String::from("ferris"),

This example shows how we create a new User instance named logged_in without the update syntax. We set a new value for state but move the values of the other fields from logged_out.

let logged_in = User {
    state: LoggedIn,
    email: logged_out.email,
    username: logged_out.username,

Using struct update syntax, we can achieve the same effect more concisely, as shown below. The syntax .. specifies that the remaining fields not explicitly set should be moved from the fields of the base instance.

let logged_in = User {
    state: LoggedIn,

Note that the expression following the .. is an expression; it doesn't have to be just an identifier of an existing instance. For example, it's often useful to use struct update syntax with ..Default::default() to override a few field values from their default.

Struct update syntax is permitted for instances of the same struct (User in the examples), even if they have different types (User<LoggedOut> and User<LoggedIn> in the examples) due to generic type or lifetime parameters. However, the types of the fields in the updated instance that are not explicitly listed (i.e. those that are moved with the .. syntax) must be subtypes of the corresponding fields in the base instance, and all of the fields must be visible (RFC 736). In other words, the types of fields that are explicitly listed can change, such as the state field in the examples, but those that are not explicitly listed, such as the email and username fields in the examples, must stay the same (modulo subtyping).

Existing Rust programmers can think of this RFC as extending struct update syntax to cases where some of the fields change their type, as long as those fields are explicitly listed in the struct constructor.

Reference-level explanation

Struct update syntax is now allowed for instances of the same struct even if the generic type parameters or lifetimes of the struct are different between the base and updated instances. The following conditions must be met:

  1. The base and updated instances are of the same struct.

  2. The type of each moved field (i.e. each field not explicitly listed) in the updated instance is a subtype of the type of the corresponding field in the base instance.

  3. All fields are visible at the location of the update (RFC 736).

The struct update syntax is the following:

$struct_name:path {
    $($field_name:ident: $field_value:expr,)*

Struct update syntax is directly equivalent to explicitly listing all of the fields, with the possible exception of type inference. For example, the listing from the previous section

let logged_in = User {
    state: LoggedIn,

is directly equivalent to

let logged_in = User {
    state: LoggedIn,
    email: logged_out.email,
    username: logged_out.username,

except, possibly, for type inference.


There are trade-offs to be made when selecting the type inference strategy, since the types of fields are no longer necessarily the same between the base and updated instances in struct update syntax. See the Type inference section under Unresolved questions.

Rationale and alternatives

This proposal is a relatively small user-facing generalization that significantly improves language ergonomics in some cases.

Further generalization

This proposal maintains the restriction that the types of the base and updated instance must be the same struct. Struct update syntax could be further generalized by lifting this restriction, so that the only remaining restriction would be that the moved field names and types must match. For example, the following could be allowed:

struct Foo {
    field1: &'static str,
    field2: i32,

struct Bar {
    field1: f64,
    field2: i32,

let foo = Foo { field1: "hi", field2: 1 };
let bar = Bar { field1: 3.14, ..foo };

While this would be convenient in some cases, it makes field names a much more important part of the crate's API. It could also be considered to be too implicit.

The proposal in this RFC does not preclude this further generalization in the future if desired. The further generalization could be applied in a manner that is backwards-compatible with this RFC. As a result, the conservative approach presented in this RFC is a good first step. After the community has experience with this proposal, further generalization may be considered in the future.

Keep the existing behavior

If we decide to keep the existing behavior, we are implicitly encouraging users to handle more logic with runtime checks so that they can use the concise struct update syntax instead of the verbose syntax required due to type changes. By implementing this RFC, we improve the ergonomics of using the type system to enforce constraints at compile time.

Prior art

OCaml and Haskell allow changing the type of generic parameters with functional record update syntax, like this RFC.

  • OCaml:

    # type 'a foo = { a: 'a; b: int };;
    type 'a foo = { a : 'a; b : int; }
    # let x: int foo = { a = 5; b = 6 };;
    val x : int foo = {a = 5; b = 6}
    # let y: float foo = { x with a = 3.14 };;
    val y : float foo = {a = 3.14; b = 6}
  • Haskell:

    Prelude> data Foo a = Foo { a :: a, b :: Int }
    Prelude> x = Foo { a = 5, b = 6 }
    Prelude> :type x
    x :: Num a => Foo a
    Prelude> y = x { a = 3.14 }
    Prelude> :type y
    y :: Fractional a => Foo a

Like this RFC, OCaml does not allow the alternative further generalization:

# type foo = { a: int; b: int };;
type foo = { a : int; b : int; }
# type bar = { a: int; b: int };;
type bar = { a : int; b : int; }
# let x: foo = { a = 5; b = 6 };;
val x : foo = {a = 5; b = 6}
# let y: bar = { x with a = 7 };;
File "", line 1, characters 15-16:
Error: This expression has type foo but an expression was expected of type

Unresolved questions

Type inference

What is the best type inference strategy? In today's Rust, the types of the explicitly listed fields are always the same in the base and updated instances. With this RFC, the types of the explicitly listed fields can be different between the base and updated instances. This removes some of the constraints on type inference compared to today's Rust. There are choices to make regarding backwards compatibility of inferred types, the i32/f64 fallback in type inference, and the conceptual simplicity of the chosen strategy.

Further generalization

Should struct update syntax be further generalized to ignore the struct type and just consider field names and field types? This question could be answered later after users have experience with the changes this RFC. The further generalization could be implemented in a backwards-compatible way.